Levenberg-Marquardt sparse solver scaling: 1K data set

STRUMPACK vs EIGEN performance

The goal of this notebook is to allow the documentation of STRUMPACK vs EIGEN performance to be maintained in a single accessible location. The environment within which this notebook is run follows the standard cctbx conda build instructions available here. For this instance, we are using the STRUMPACK-enabled build of cctbx located at ExaFEL:cctbx_project(str_merge). STRUMPACK is currently built using the installation script STRUMPACK_installer_shared.sh, and if the installation takes place within the same directory as moddules and build, the cctbx build process can make use of it as a backend. After the STRUMPACK solver finishes, enter the build directory, run libtbx.refresh and make. The STRUMPACK-supported modules should now build and link with the new backend.

The solution of the below systems assume that we have some A and b data already, and we can provide these in CSV file format to the solver (A is in “row col value” format). We can begin by importing all of the required modules. We make use of Numpy’s ability to parse CSV files into numeric format, and SciPy’s sparse storage format to format the matrices into the required CSR sparse storage format for solving.

%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
font = {'family' : 'serif',
        #'weight' : 'bold',
        'size'   : 12}

matplotlib.rc('font', **font)
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (16,10)
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.dpi']= 150
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from __future__ import division
from cctbx.array_family import flex
from libtbx.test_utils import approx_equal
from libtbx.development.timers import Profiler
import sys
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sps


We load the A and b data set for solving from the locations specified below. Ideally, we can loop over and load all different data sets and process each individually. For a working example, we begin by processing a single data set, comparing Eigen and Strumpack for varying levels of shared parallelism.

A_mat = np.loadtxt(A_path,dtype={'names':('rows','cols','vals'),'formats':('i8','i8','f8')})

b_vec = np.loadtxt(b_path)

We are solving system of normal equations, and so we can safely assume that we have a square matrix. This ensures the number of rows and colums will be identical, which can be read from the length of the numpy array b_vec.

n_rows = len(b_vec)
n_cols = n_rows

We next wish to create a SciPy CSR sparse matrix type using the data from A_mat.

A_sp = sps.csr_matrix((A_mat['vals'],(A_mat['rows'],A_mat['cols'])))

With this, we can now create the appropriate flex data types for solving the linear system. While the operations performed upto and including this point involve many copy steps, it can be stated that the time to solve the system is much greater than the time to perform internal copies, and so we can ignore the times required for these steps for any realistic datasets.

For the solvers we require the row index pointers, the column indices, and sparse matrix values. However, it is import to first ensure that our A matrix is symmetric, and not the upper or lower triangle only. While Eigen’s Cholesky deocmposition can use the upper or lower triangle, other algorithms and solvers tend to expect a full matrix. We can create this as follows.

if tu.nnz == sd.getnnz() or tl.nnz == sd.getnnz():
    A_sp = A_sp + A_sp.transpose() - sd
plt.spy(A_sp, marker='.',markersize=1.0)

The resulting data sets can be read directly and converted to flex types as follows.

A_indptr = flex.int(A_sp.indptr)
A_indices = flex.int(A_sp.indices)
A_values = flex.double(A_sp.data)
b = flex.double(b_vec)

With the data in the required format, we can now create a solver object and solve the system. We also include a built-in profiler object to time this solver step for both the STRUMPACK and EIGEN backends.

Next, we load the OpenMP-enabled STRUMPACK solver module and the Eigen based solver. These are contained within “modules/cctbx_project/scitbx/examples/bevington/strumpack_solver_ext.cpp” and where a Boost.Python wrapper for both an EIGEN and STRUMPACK Ax=b solver object is provided.

A non-notebook script exists to test this functionality at “modules/cctbx_project/scitbx/examples/bevington/strumpack_eigen_solver.py”, which can be called as:

OMP_NUM_THREADS=x libtbx.python strumpack_eigen_solver.py A_mat.csv b_vec.csv

where A_mat.csv and b_vec.csv are the CSV files with the linear system to be solved, and x specifies the number of OpenMP threads to spawn. Additionally, the MPI-enabled STRUMPACK backend is provided by “modules/cctbx_project/scitbx/examples/bevington/strumpack_solver_ext_mpi_dist.cpp”, with the Python script to test the result located at “modules/cctbx_project/scitbx/examples/bevington/strumpack_eigen_solver_mpi_dist.py”. This is called as

OMP_NUM_THREADS=x mpirun -n y libtbx.python strumpack_eigen_solver.py A_mat.csv b_vec.csv

As an example, the previously loaded can be provided to the solvers as follows:

import boost.python
ext_omp = boost.python.import_ext("scitbx_examples_strumpack_solver_ext")
ext_mpi = boost.python.import_ext("scitbx_examples_strumpack_mpi_dist_solver_ext")

es   = ext_omp.eigen_solver
ss   = ext_omp.strumpack_solver
ssmd = ext_mpi.strumpack_mpi_dist_solver

def run_solver(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr ,A_indices, A_values, b):
    P = Profiler("STRUMPACK_SCOTCH")
    res_strum_sc = ss(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr, A_indices, A_values, b, ext_omp.scotch, ext_omp.auto)
    del P
    P = Profiler("STRUMPACK_METIS")
    res_strum_me = ss(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr, A_indices, A_values, b, ext_omp.metis, ext_omp.auto)
    del P
    P = Profiler("EIGEN_LDLT")
    res_eig_ldlt = es(1, n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr, A_indices, A_values, b)
    del P
    P = Profiler("EIGEN_BICGSTAB")
    res_eig_bicgstab = es(2, n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr, A_indices, A_values, b)
    del P
    return res_strum_sc, res_strum_me, res_eig_ldlt, res_eig_bicgstab
r_s_sc, r_s_me, r_e_ldlt, r_e_bicgstab = run_solver(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr ,A_indices, A_values, b)
for i in xrange(len(r_s_sc.x)):
    assert( approx_equal(r_s_sc.x[i], r_s_me.x[i]) )
    assert( approx_equal(r_s_sc.x[i], r_e_ldlt.x[i]) )
    assert( approx_equal(r_s_sc.x[i], r_e_bicgstab.x[i]) )
/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.
  try: mod = __import__(name)
/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.
  try: mod = __import__(name)

individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH: CPU,   21.410s; elapsed,    0.475s
individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS: CPU,  146.220s; elapsed,    2.334s
individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    4.400s; elapsed,    0.069s
individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.840s; elapsed,    0.030s

While we can use the above method to process the data, we must respecify the OMP_NUM_THREADS variable to observe different levels of scalability. %env OMP_NUM_THREADS is sufficient to test this for the first run, however for an undetermined reason the notebook must be started to allow the value to be changed. There, we can run the above tasks from a !<command> cell, specifying the thread count here instead.

from __future__ import division
from cctbx.array_family import flex
from libtbx.test_utils import approx_equal
from libtbx.development.timers import Profiler
import sys
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sps
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (16,10)

A_mat = np.loadtxt(A_path,dtype={'names':('rows','cols','vals'),'formats':('i8','i8','f8')})

b_vec = np.loadtxt(b_path)

n_rows = len(b_vec)
n_cols = n_rows

A_sp = sps.csr_matrix((A_mat['vals'],(A_mat['rows'],A_mat['cols'])))

#Check for triangular matrix. If so, A_sp := A+A^T - diag(A)


A_spS = A_sp
if tu.nnz == sd.getnnz() or tl.nnz == sd.getnnz():
    A_spS = A_sp + A_sp.transpose() - sd

A_indptr = flex.int(A_sp.indptr)
A_indices = flex.int(A_sp.indices)
A_values = flex.double(A_sp.data)
b = flex.double(b_vec)

#import time
#timing_dict = {"strum":0, "eigen":0}

import boost.python
ext_omp = boost.python.import_ext("scitbx_examples_strumpack_solver_ext")
ext_mpi = boost.python.import_ext("scitbx_examples_strumpack_mpi_dist_solver_ext")

es   = ext_omp.eigen_solver
ss   = ext_omp.strumpack_solver

def run_solver(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr ,A_indices, A_values, b, A_spS):

    P = Profiler("EIGEN_LLT_CHOL")
    res_eig_llt_chol = es(0, n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr, A_indices, A_values, b)
    del P
    P = Profiler("EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL")
    res_eig_ldlt_chol = es(1, n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr, A_indices, A_values, b)
    del P
    A_indptr = flex.int(A_spS.indptr)
    A_indices = flex.int(A_spS.indices)
    A_values = flex.double(A_spS.data)
    P = Profiler("EIGEN_BICGSTAB")
    res_eig_bicgstab = es(2, n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr, A_indices, A_values, b)
    del P
    res_strum_sc_a = ss(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr, A_indices, A_values, b, ext_omp.scotch, ext_omp.auto)
    del P
    P = Profiler("STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO")
    res_strum_mt_a = ss(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr, A_indices, A_values, b, ext_omp.metis, ext_omp.auto)
    del P

    res_strum_sc_bi = ss(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr, A_indices, A_values, b, ext_omp.scotch, ext_omp.bicgstab)
    del P
    res_strum_mt_bi = ss(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr, A_indices, A_values, b, ext_omp.metis, ext_omp.bicgstab)
    del P
    res_strum_sc_pr = ss(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr, A_indices, A_values, b, ext_omp.scotch, ext_omp.prec_bicgstab)
    del P
    res_strum_mt_pr = ss(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr, A_indices, A_values, b, ext_omp.metis, ext_omp.prec_bicgstab)
    del P
    for i in xrange(len(res_strum_sc.x)):
        assert( approx_equal(res_eig_llt_chol.x[i], res_eig_ldlt_chol.x[i]) )
        assert( approx_equal(res_strum_sc_a.x[i],     res_eig_bicgstab.x[i])  )
        assert( approx_equal(res_strum_sc_a.x[i],     res_eig_ldlt_chol.x[i]) )
        assert( approx_equal(res_strum_mt_a.x[i],     res_strum_sc_a.x[i])      )
        assert( approx_equal(res_strum_mt_a.x[i],     res_strum_sc_bi.x[i])      )
        assert( approx_equal(res_strum_mt_a.x[i],     res_strum_mt_bi.x[i])      )
        assert( approx_equal(res_strum_mt_a.x[i],     res_strum_sc_pr.x[i])      )
        assert( approx_equal(res_strum_mt_a.x[i],     res_strum_mt_pr.x[i])      )

run_solver(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr ,A_indices, A_values, b, A_spS)
OMP_SOLVER_FILE = open("OMP_SOLVER.py", "w")

A_LIST = !find {DATAPATH} -iname "A*.csv"
B_LIST = [ii.replace('/A_','/b_') for ii in A_LIST]

We now record the indices of the data with a specific number of images. We can use these indices to later submit jobs with a given number of frames, and hence resulting matrix size.

for imgs in ['1k','5k','10k','32k']:
    list_idx.update({imgs:[i for i, j in enumerate(A_LIST) if imgs in j]})
{'10k': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
 '1k': [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29],
 '32k': [30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44],
 '5k': [45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59]}

With the file writtent to disk, we now create a loop in mixed Python/Bash to call the solver, then extract the standard output from the profiler to examine the OpenMP scalability of STRUMPACK. The profiler code wraps each solver, and does not take into account the load-times for the data.

import os
threads_list = [16]
for imgs_size in list_idx:
    print "Data Set Size:=%s"%imgs_size
    #Subselect the smallest data size for now
    if imgs_size != "1k":
        print "Skipping %s"%imgs_size
    for imgs_idx in list_idx[imgs_size]:
        A_path = A_LIST[imgs_idx]; b_path = B_LIST[imgs_idx]
        dat_name = A_path.split('/')[-1][2:-4]

        print "Data Set Name:=%s"%(dat_name)

        #Ensure the A and b data are matched correctly
        assert(os.path.dirname(A_path) == os.path.dirname(b_path))
        print {A_path}, {b_path}
        for threads in threads_list:
            print "OMP_NUM_THREADS:=%d"%threads

            val = !OMP_NUM_THREADS={threads} libtbx.python ./OMP_SOLVER.py {A_path} {b_path}
            print val
            for s in val:
                if "assert" in s:
                    raise Exception("Solutions not equal! Halting")
            key = 'omp' + str(threads) + '_' + dat_name


Data Set Size:=10k
Skipping 10k
Data Set Size:=1k
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-.csv'])
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.810s; elapsed,    0.815s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.870s; elapsed,    0.863s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.025s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    4.280s; elapsed,    0.271s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   31.080s; elapsed,    1.960s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.930s; elapsed,    0.121s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.880s; elapsed,    0.117s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    2.920s; elapsed,    0.182s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   33.550s; elapsed,    2.101s', 'Traceback (most recent call last):', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 103, in <module>', '    run_solver(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr ,A_indices, A_values, b, A_spS)', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 93, in run_solver', '    for i in xrange(len(res_strum_sc.x)):', "NameError: global name 'res_strum_sc' is not defined", 'Exiting profiler', 'time for   STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   33.550s; elapsed,    2.101s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.810s; elapsed,    0.815s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.930s; elapsed,    0.121s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.025s, #calls:   1', 'time for          STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    4.280s; elapsed,    0.271s, #calls:   1', 'time for  STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    2.920s; elapsed,    0.182s, #calls:   1', 'time for       STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.880s; elapsed,    0.117s, #calls:   1', 'time for                EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.870s; elapsed,    0.863s, #calls:   1', 'time for           STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   31.080s; elapsed,    1.960s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,   77.570s; elapsed,    6.455s']
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-.csv'])
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.220s; elapsed,    0.232s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.238s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.049s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    7.060s; elapsed,    0.447s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   28.970s; elapsed,    1.831s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.720s; elapsed,    0.169s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.830s; elapsed,    0.177s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    6.750s; elapsed,    0.422s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   31.770s; elapsed,    2.001s', 'Traceback (most recent call last):', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 103, in <module>', '    run_solver(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr ,A_indices, A_values, b, A_spS)', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 93, in run_solver', '    for i in xrange(len(res_strum_sc.x)):', "NameError: global name 'res_strum_sc' is not defined", 'Exiting profiler', 'time for   STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   31.770s; elapsed,    2.001s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.220s; elapsed,    0.232s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.720s; elapsed,    0.169s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.049s, #calls:   1', 'time for          STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    7.060s; elapsed,    0.447s, #calls:   1', 'time for  STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    6.750s; elapsed,    0.422s, #calls:   1', 'time for       STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.830s; elapsed,    0.177s, #calls:   1', 'time for                EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.238s, #calls:   1', 'time for           STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   28.970s; elapsed,    1.831s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,   81.130s; elapsed,    5.566s']
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Deff-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Deff-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Deff-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Deff-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Deff-.csv'])
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.237s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.232s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.024s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    3.400s; elapsed,    0.215s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   28.710s; elapsed,    1.812s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.750s; elapsed,    0.109s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.740s; elapsed,    0.109s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    3.070s; elapsed,    0.192s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   30.190s; elapsed,    1.893s', 'Traceback (most recent call last):', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 103, in <module>', '    run_solver(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr ,A_indices, A_values, b, A_spS)', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 93, in run_solver', '    for i in xrange(len(res_strum_sc.x)):', "NameError: global name 'res_strum_sc' is not defined", 'Exiting profiler', 'time for   STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   30.190s; elapsed,    1.893s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.237s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.750s; elapsed,    0.109s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.024s, #calls:   1', 'time for          STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    3.400s; elapsed,    0.215s, #calls:   1', 'time for  STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    3.070s; elapsed,    0.192s, #calls:   1', 'time for       STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.740s; elapsed,    0.109s, #calls:   1', 'time for                EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.232s, #calls:   1', 'time for           STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   28.710s; elapsed,    1.812s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,   69.570s; elapsed,    4.823s']
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Eta-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Eta-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Eta-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Eta-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Eta-.csv'])
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.070s; elapsed,    0.064s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.052s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.025s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    3.350s; elapsed,    0.212s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   28.510s; elapsed,    1.799s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.670s; elapsed,    0.105s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.760s; elapsed,    0.110s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    3.310s; elapsed,    0.207s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   26.660s; elapsed,    1.673s', 'Traceback (most recent call last):', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 103, in <module>', '    run_solver(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr ,A_indices, A_values, b, A_spS)', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 93, in run_solver', '    for i in xrange(len(res_strum_sc.x)):', "NameError: global name 'res_strum_sc' is not defined", 'Exiting profiler', 'time for   STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   26.660s; elapsed,    1.673s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.070s; elapsed,    0.064s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.670s; elapsed,    0.105s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.025s, #calls:   1', 'time for          STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    3.350s; elapsed,    0.212s, #calls:   1', 'time for  STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    3.310s; elapsed,    0.207s, #calls:   1', 'time for       STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.760s; elapsed,    0.110s, #calls:   1', 'time for                EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.052s, #calls:   1', 'time for           STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   28.510s; elapsed,    1.799s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,   65.610s; elapsed,    4.247s']
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-.csv'])
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    1.990s; elapsed,    1.995s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    2.110s; elapsed,    2.120s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.048s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    6.590s; elapsed,    0.417s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   34.870s; elapsed,    2.191s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.440s; elapsed,    0.153s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.620s; elapsed,    0.163s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    6.920s; elapsed,    0.433s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   38.160s; elapsed,    2.391s', 'Traceback (most recent call last):', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 103, in <module>', '    run_solver(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr ,A_indices, A_values, b, A_spS)', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 93, in run_solver', '    for i in xrange(len(res_strum_sc.x)):', "NameError: global name 'res_strum_sc' is not defined", 'Exiting profiler', 'time for   STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   38.160s; elapsed,    2.391s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    1.990s; elapsed,    1.995s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.440s; elapsed,    0.153s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.048s, #calls:   1', 'time for          STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    6.590s; elapsed,    0.417s, #calls:   1', 'time for  STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    6.920s; elapsed,    0.433s, #calls:   1', 'time for       STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.620s; elapsed,    0.163s, #calls:   1', 'time for                EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    2.110s; elapsed,    2.120s, #calls:   1', 'time for           STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   34.870s; elapsed,    2.191s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,   96.220s; elapsed,    9.909s']
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-.csv'])
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    2.040s; elapsed,    2.044s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    2.090s; elapsed,    2.091s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.024s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    3.470s; elapsed,    0.221s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   35.250s; elapsed,    2.219s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.910s; elapsed,    0.118s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.840s; elapsed,    0.115s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    2.990s; elapsed,    0.188s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   38.560s; elapsed,    2.412s', 'Traceback (most recent call last):', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 103, in <module>', '    run_solver(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr ,A_indices, A_values, b, A_spS)', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 93, in run_solver', '    for i in xrange(len(res_strum_sc.x)):', "NameError: global name 'res_strum_sc' is not defined", 'Exiting profiler', 'time for   STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   38.560s; elapsed,    2.412s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    2.040s; elapsed,    2.044s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.910s; elapsed,    0.118s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.024s, #calls:   1', 'time for          STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    3.470s; elapsed,    0.221s, #calls:   1', 'time for  STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    2.990s; elapsed,    0.188s, #calls:   1', 'time for       STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.840s; elapsed,    0.115s, #calls:   1', 'time for                EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    2.090s; elapsed,    2.091s, #calls:   1', 'time for           STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   35.250s; elapsed,    2.219s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,   88.400s; elapsed,    9.434s']
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-.csv'])
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.830s; elapsed,    0.819s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.860s; elapsed,    0.858s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.030s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    3.520s; elapsed,    0.223s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   30.270s; elapsed,    1.907s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.000s; elapsed,    0.125s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.070s; elapsed,    0.130s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    3.260s; elapsed,    0.204s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   30.920s; elapsed,    1.944s', 'Traceback (most recent call last):', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 103, in <module>', '    run_solver(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr ,A_indices, A_values, b, A_spS)', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 93, in run_solver', '    for i in xrange(len(res_strum_sc.x)):', "NameError: global name 'res_strum_sc' is not defined", 'Exiting profiler', 'time for   STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   30.920s; elapsed,    1.944s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.830s; elapsed,    0.819s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.000s; elapsed,    0.125s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.030s, #calls:   1', 'time for          STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    3.520s; elapsed,    0.223s, #calls:   1', 'time for  STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    3.260s; elapsed,    0.204s, #calls:   1', 'time for       STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.070s; elapsed,    0.130s, #calls:   1', 'time for                EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.860s; elapsed,    0.858s, #calls:   1', 'time for           STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   30.270s; elapsed,    1.907s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,   74.030s; elapsed,    6.238s']
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-.csv'])
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.850s; elapsed,    0.843s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.860s; elapsed,    0.864s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.050s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    7.220s; elapsed,    0.459s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   31.850s; elapsed,    2.009s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.370s; elapsed,    0.148s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.580s; elapsed,    0.162s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    6.480s; elapsed,    0.406s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   34.160s; elapsed,    2.146s', 'Traceback (most recent call last):', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 103, in <module>', '    run_solver(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr ,A_indices, A_values, b, A_spS)', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 93, in run_solver', '    for i in xrange(len(res_strum_sc.x)):', "NameError: global name 'res_strum_sc' is not defined", 'Exiting profiler', 'time for   STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   34.160s; elapsed,    2.146s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.850s; elapsed,    0.843s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.370s; elapsed,    0.148s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.050s, #calls:   1', 'time for          STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    7.220s; elapsed,    0.459s, #calls:   1', 'time for  STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    6.480s; elapsed,    0.406s, #calls:   1', 'time for       STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.580s; elapsed,    0.162s, #calls:   1', 'time for                EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.860s; elapsed,    0.864s, #calls:   1', 'time for           STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   31.850s; elapsed,    2.009s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,   86.900s; elapsed,    7.087s']
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-.csv'])
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.220s; elapsed,    0.231s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.236s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.046s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    7.200s; elapsed,    0.455s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   28.890s; elapsed,    1.823s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.610s; elapsed,    0.163s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.930s; elapsed,    0.183s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    7.140s; elapsed,    0.447s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   30.950s; elapsed,    1.941s', 'Traceback (most recent call last):', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 103, in <module>', '    run_solver(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr ,A_indices, A_values, b, A_spS)', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 93, in run_solver', '    for i in xrange(len(res_strum_sc.x)):', "NameError: global name 'res_strum_sc' is not defined", 'Exiting profiler', 'time for   STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   30.950s; elapsed,    1.941s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.220s; elapsed,    0.231s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.610s; elapsed,    0.163s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.046s, #calls:   1', 'time for          STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    7.200s; elapsed,    0.455s, #calls:   1', 'time for  STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    7.140s; elapsed,    0.447s, #calls:   1', 'time for       STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.930s; elapsed,    0.183s, #calls:   1', 'time for                EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.236s, #calls:   1', 'time for           STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   28.890s; elapsed,    1.823s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,   80.710s; elapsed,    5.525s']
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Deff-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Deff-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Deff-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Deff-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Deff-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-.csv'])
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.238s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.232s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.210s; elapsed,    0.023s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    3.330s; elapsed,    0.212s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   29.220s; elapsed,    1.835s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.750s; elapsed,    0.109s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.750s; elapsed,    0.109s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    3.090s; elapsed,    0.194s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   28.990s; elapsed,    1.830s', 'Traceback (most recent call last):', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 103, in <module>', '    run_solver(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr ,A_indices, A_values, b, A_spS)', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 93, in run_solver', '    for i in xrange(len(res_strum_sc.x)):', "NameError: global name 'res_strum_sc' is not defined", 'Exiting profiler', 'time for   STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   28.990s; elapsed,    1.830s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.238s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.750s; elapsed,    0.109s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.210s; elapsed,    0.023s, #calls:   1', 'time for          STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    3.330s; elapsed,    0.212s, #calls:   1', 'time for  STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    3.090s; elapsed,    0.194s, #calls:   1', 'time for       STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.750s; elapsed,    0.109s, #calls:   1', 'time for                EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.232s, #calls:   1', 'time for           STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   29.220s; elapsed,    1.835s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,   68.820s; elapsed,    4.782s']
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-.csv'])
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    3.880s; elapsed,    3.883s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    4.090s; elapsed,    4.098s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.050s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    6.870s; elapsed,    0.435s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   37.710s; elapsed,    2.365s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.460s; elapsed,    0.154s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.680s; elapsed,    0.167s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    7.180s; elapsed,    0.450s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   40.580s; elapsed,    2.539s', 'Traceback (most recent call last):', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 103, in <module>', '    run_solver(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr ,A_indices, A_values, b, A_spS)', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 93, in run_solver', '    for i in xrange(len(res_strum_sc.x)):', "NameError: global name 'res_strum_sc' is not defined", 'Exiting profiler', 'time for   STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   40.580s; elapsed,    2.539s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    3.880s; elapsed,    3.883s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.460s; elapsed,    0.154s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.050s, #calls:   1', 'time for          STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    6.870s; elapsed,    0.435s, #calls:   1', 'time for  STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    7.180s; elapsed,    0.450s, #calls:   1', 'time for       STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.680s; elapsed,    0.167s, #calls:   1', 'time for                EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    4.090s; elapsed,    4.098s, #calls:   1', 'time for           STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   37.710s; elapsed,    2.365s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,  106.000s; elapsed,   14.140s']
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-.csv'])
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    2.020s; elapsed,    2.023s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    2.110s; elapsed,    2.119s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.048s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    6.330s; elapsed,    0.401s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   38.360s; elapsed,    2.411s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.420s; elapsed,    0.151s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.580s; elapsed,    0.161s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    6.920s; elapsed,    0.434s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   37.560s; elapsed,    2.354s', 'Traceback (most recent call last):', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 103, in <module>', '    run_solver(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr ,A_indices, A_values, b, A_spS)', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 93, in run_solver', '    for i in xrange(len(res_strum_sc.x)):', "NameError: global name 'res_strum_sc' is not defined", 'Exiting profiler', 'time for   STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   37.560s; elapsed,    2.354s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    2.020s; elapsed,    2.023s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.420s; elapsed,    0.151s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.048s, #calls:   1', 'time for          STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    6.330s; elapsed,    0.401s, #calls:   1', 'time for  STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    6.920s; elapsed,    0.434s, #calls:   1', 'time for       STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.580s; elapsed,    0.161s, #calls:   1', 'time for                EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    2.110s; elapsed,    2.119s, #calls:   1', 'time for           STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   38.360s; elapsed,    2.411s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,   98.830s; elapsed,   10.102s']
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-.csv'])
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    1.990s; elapsed,    1.994s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    2.120s; elapsed,    2.119s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.024s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    3.440s; elapsed,    0.220s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   34.260s; elapsed,    2.157s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.770s; elapsed,    0.111s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.670s; elapsed,    0.104s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    2.980s; elapsed,    0.187s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   37.390s; elapsed,    2.350s', 'Traceback (most recent call last):', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 103, in <module>', '    run_solver(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr ,A_indices, A_values, b, A_spS)', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 93, in run_solver', '    for i in xrange(len(res_strum_sc.x)):', "NameError: global name 'res_strum_sc' is not defined", 'Exiting profiler', 'time for   STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   37.390s; elapsed,    2.350s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    1.990s; elapsed,    1.994s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.770s; elapsed,    0.111s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.024s, #calls:   1', 'time for          STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    3.440s; elapsed,    0.220s, #calls:   1', 'time for  STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    2.980s; elapsed,    0.187s, #calls:   1', 'time for       STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    1.670s; elapsed,    0.104s, #calls:   1', 'time for                EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    2.120s; elapsed,    2.119s, #calls:   1', 'time for           STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   34.260s; elapsed,    2.157s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,   85.860s; elapsed,    9.266s']
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-.csv'])
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.830s; elapsed,    0.835s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.870s; elapsed,    0.863s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.051s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    7.370s; elapsed,    0.466s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   32.030s; elapsed,    2.025s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.370s; elapsed,    0.148s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.660s; elapsed,    0.166s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    6.810s; elapsed,    0.426s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   33.250s; elapsed,    2.094s', 'Traceback (most recent call last):', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 103, in <module>', '    run_solver(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr ,A_indices, A_values, b, A_spS)', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 93, in run_solver', '    for i in xrange(len(res_strum_sc.x)):', "NameError: global name 'res_strum_sc' is not defined", 'Exiting profiler', 'time for   STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   33.250s; elapsed,    2.094s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.830s; elapsed,    0.835s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.370s; elapsed,    0.148s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.051s, #calls:   1', 'time for          STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    7.370s; elapsed,    0.466s, #calls:   1', 'time for  STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    6.810s; elapsed,    0.426s, #calls:   1', 'time for       STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.660s; elapsed,    0.166s, #calls:   1', 'time for                EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    0.870s; elapsed,    0.863s, #calls:   1', 'time for           STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   32.030s; elapsed,    2.025s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,   86.730s; elapsed,    7.075s']
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-.csv'])
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    3.890s; elapsed,    3.903s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    4.070s; elapsed,    4.073s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.047s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    7.190s; elapsed,    0.454s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   38.310s; elapsed,    2.408s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.510s; elapsed,    0.157s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.690s; elapsed,    0.168s', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    6.390s; elapsed,    0.401s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   41.380s; elapsed,    2.597s', 'Traceback (most recent call last):', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 103, in <module>', '    run_solver(n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr ,A_indices, A_values, b, A_spS)', '  File "./OMP_SOLVER.py", line 93, in run_solver', '    for i in xrange(len(res_strum_sc.x)):', "NameError: global name 'res_strum_sc' is not defined", 'Exiting profiler', 'time for   STRUMPACK_METIS_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,   41.380s; elapsed,    2.597s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_LLT_CHOL: CPU,    3.890s; elapsed,    3.903s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.510s; elapsed,    0.157s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.047s, #calls:   1', 'time for          STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_AUTO: CPU,    7.190s; elapsed,    0.454s, #calls:   1', 'time for  STRUMPACK_SCOTCH_PRECBICGSTAB: CPU,    6.390s; elapsed,    0.401s, #calls:   1', 'time for       STRUMPACK_METIS_BICGSTAB: CPU,    2.690s; elapsed,    0.168s, #calls:   1', 'time for                EIGEN_LDLT_CHOL: CPU,    4.070s; elapsed,    4.073s, #calls:   1', 'time for           STRUMPACK_METIS_AUTO: CPU,   38.310s; elapsed,    2.408s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,  106.950s; elapsed,   14.208s']
Data Set Size:=5k
Skipping 5k
Data Set Size:=32k
Skipping 32k

In the event of a crash, it is wise to save the resulting data (JSON and Pickle) to disk…

import json, cPickle
with open("OMP_SOLVER_TIME_1k_all.json", "w") as OMP_SOLVER_TIME_FILE:
with open("OMP_SOLVER_TIME_1k_all.pickle", "w") as OMP_SOLVER_TIME_FILE:

…which can then be easily reloaded later. Now, we parse the string, extract the timing data, and add it to the python object at the specified thread number index. This allows for easily sorting and plot the data later.

import cPickle
str_out=cPickle.load(open('OMP_SOLVER_TIME_1k_all.pickle', 'rb'))

To simplify indexing later for plots, we create shortened keys. Additionally, we ca also separate the data based upon unique index set and thread numbers.

for k in str_out.keys():
import pandas as pd
uniq_ref = set([k.split('_')[1] for k in str_out_sm.keys()])
for u in uniq_ref:
    same_t = lambda: None #Functions are objects, so legit
    same_t.strum_scotch_a = []
    same_t.strum_metis_a = []
    same_t.strum_scotch_bi = []
    same_t.strum_metis_bi = []
    same_t.strum_scotch_pr = []
    same_t.strum_metis_pr = []
    same_t.eig_llt = []
    same_t.eig_ldlt = []
    same_t.eig_bicgstab = []
    for t in threads_list:

    str_E_LLT = "EIG_LLT_%s"%u
    str_E_LDLT = "EIG_LDLT_%s"%u
    str_E_BICGSTAB = "EIG_BICGSTAB_%s"%u
    str_S_SCOTCH_A = "STRUM_SCOTCHA_%s"%u
    str_S_METIS_A = "STRUM_METISA_%s"%u
    str_S_METIS_BI = "STRUM_METISBI_%s"%u
    str_S_METIS_PR = "STRUM_METISPR_%s"%u
    df_list.append( pd.DataFrame({str_E_LLT:same_t.eig_llt, str_E_LDLT:same_t.eig_ldlt, str_E_BICGSTAB:same_t.eig_bicgstab, str_S_SCOTCH_A:same_t.strum_scotch_a, str_S_METIS_A:same_t.strum_metis_a, str_S_SCOTCH_BI:same_t.strum_scotch_bi, str_S_METIS_BI:same_t.strum_metis_bi, str_S_SCOTCH_PR:same_t.strum_scotch_pr, str_S_METIS_PR:same_t.strum_metis_pr }, index=threads_list).transpose() )

We now have a list of Pandas Dataframes, with which we can combine to a single entity. We can then proceed to plot the resulting columns, comparing both Eigen and STRUMPACK for each specific set of refined parameters.

perf_s = pd.concat(df_list).transpose()


EIG_BICGSTAB_Rxy-Deff-Eta- 0.024
EIG_LDLT_Rxy-Deff-Eta- 2.119
EIG_LLT_Rxy-Deff-Eta- 1.994
STRUM_METISA_Rxy-Deff-Eta- 2.157
STRUM_METISBI_Rxy-Deff-Eta- 0.104
STRUM_METISPR_Rxy-Deff-Eta- 2.350
STRUM_SCOTCHA_Rxy-Deff-Eta- 0.220
STRUM_SCOTCHBI_Rxy-Deff-Eta- 0.111
STRUM_SCOTCHPR_Rxy-Deff-Eta- 0.187
EIG_BICGSTAB_Bfactor- 0.049
EIG_LDLT_Bfactor- 0.238
EIG_LLT_Bfactor- 0.232
STRUM_METISA_Bfactor- 1.831
STRUM_METISBI_Bfactor- 0.177
STRUM_METISPR_Bfactor- 2.001
STRUM_SCOTCHA_Bfactor- 0.447
STRUM_SCOTCHBI_Bfactor- 0.169
STRUM_SCOTCHPR_Bfactor- 0.422
EIG_BICGSTAB_Bfactor-Deff-Eta- 0.051
EIG_LDLT_Bfactor-Deff-Eta- 0.863
EIG_LLT_Bfactor-Deff-Eta- 0.835
STRUM_METISA_Bfactor-Deff-Eta- 2.025
STRUM_METISBI_Bfactor-Deff-Eta- 0.166
STRUM_METISPR_Bfactor-Deff-Eta- 2.094
STRUM_SCOTCHA_Bfactor-Deff-Eta- 0.466
STRUM_SCOTCHBI_Bfactor-Deff-Eta- 0.148
STRUM_SCOTCHPR_Bfactor-Deff-Eta- 0.426
EIG_BICGSTAB_Rxy-Bfactor-Deff-Eta- 0.047
EIG_LDLT_Rxy-Bfactor-Deff-Eta- 4.073
EIG_LLT_Rxy-Bfactor-Deff-Eta- 3.903
... ...
EIG_BICGSTAB_Rxy-Bfactor- 0.048
EIG_LDLT_Rxy-Bfactor- 2.120
EIG_LLT_Rxy-Bfactor- 1.995
STRUM_METISA_Rxy-Bfactor- 2.191
STRUM_METISBI_Rxy-Bfactor- 0.163
STRUM_METISPR_Rxy-Bfactor- 2.391
STRUM_SCOTCHA_Rxy-Bfactor- 0.417
STRUM_SCOTCHBI_Rxy-Bfactor- 0.153
STRUM_SCOTCHPR_Rxy-Bfactor- 0.433
EIG_BICGSTAB_Rxy-Bfactor-Eta- 0.048
EIG_LDLT_Rxy-Bfactor-Eta- 2.119
EIG_LLT_Rxy-Bfactor-Eta- 2.023
STRUM_METISA_Rxy-Bfactor-Eta- 2.411
STRUM_METISBI_Rxy-Bfactor-Eta- 0.161
STRUM_METISPR_Rxy-Bfactor-Eta- 2.354
STRUM_SCOTCHA_Rxy-Bfactor-Eta- 0.401
STRUM_SCOTCHBI_Rxy-Bfactor-Eta- 0.151
STRUM_SCOTCHPR_Rxy-Bfactor-Eta- 0.434
EIG_BICGSTAB_Rxy-Bfactor-Deff- 0.050
EIG_LDLT_Rxy-Bfactor-Deff- 4.098
EIG_LLT_Rxy-Bfactor-Deff- 3.883
STRUM_METISA_Rxy-Bfactor-Deff- 2.365
STRUM_METISBI_Rxy-Bfactor-Deff- 0.167
STRUM_METISPR_Rxy-Bfactor-Deff- 2.539
STRUM_SCOTCHA_Rxy-Bfactor-Deff- 0.435
STRUM_SCOTCHBI_Rxy-Bfactor-Deff- 0.154
STRUM_SCOTCHPR_Rxy-Bfactor-Deff- 0.450

135 rows × 1 columns

With the performance data in an easily accessible format, we can plot each respective data set for all solvers. Each bar corresponds to the parameters being refined, where the colour indicates the respective solver used, and the y-axis is the time to solve the system in seconds.

# define the figure size and grid layout properties
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22})
figsize = (20, 16)
cols = 4
fig3 = plt.figure(num=3, figsize=figsize)
ax3 = plt.axes()
ii = []
colours = ['#a6cee3','#1f78b4','#b2df8a','#33a02c','#fb9a99','#e31a1c','#fdbf6f','#ff7f00','#cab2d6']
key_col = {k:v for (k,v) in zip(keys,colours)}
hatch_pattern = [ '/' , '\\' , '|' , '-' , '+' , 'x' ,'o' ,'O' , '.', '*']
for i, u in enumerate(uniq_ref):
    ax3.set_ylabel('time [s]')
    keys_df = [k+'_'+u for k in keys]
    m = zip(dfl.as_matrix().astype(np.float)[0], dfl.keys().tolist() )
    m = sorted(m,key=lambda x: x[0])

    for p in reversed(xrange(len(m))):
        c_label =  "_".join(m[p][1].split('_')[0:2])
        p_list.append( plt.bar(i, m[p][0], label=m[p][1], color=key_col[c_label], edgecolor='k') )
plt.title('1k frames OMP_NUM_THREADS=16', fontsize=24)
plt.xticks(ii, uu)
plt.setp(ax3.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90, ha='left')
ax3.legend(p_list,keys,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.,)

plt.savefig('omp_1kframes_allsolvers_omp16.pdf', pad_inches=10)

So far we have examined the single threaded and OpenMP enabled solver performance. Strumpack also allows us to use the distributed MPI backend. We can set this up as follows using the ipyparallel backend, or invoke an mpirun call using the cell bash bash environment. For completeness, the ipyparallel environment can be set up as follows:

conda install ipyparallel
jupyter serverextension enable --py ipyparallel --user
jupyter nbextension install --py ipyparallel --user 
jupyter nbextension enable --py ipyparallel --user
ipcluster start --profile=mpi -n 4

Take note of the controller client json file <HOME>/.ipython/profile_<PROFILE_NAME>/security/ipcontroller-client.json. This will be used to allow the notebook to connect to the ipyparallel cluster profile mpi. We can then return the handle of the cluster environment with:

import ipyparallel as ipp
#c = ipp.Client('/net/cci-filer2/raid1/home/mlxd/.ipython/profile_mpi/security/ipcontroller-client.json')
c = ipp.Client()
c.ids #Instance IDs

For our purposes it can be easier to call the solver using the ! bash environment, as was used for the OpenMP studies earlier. A simple test script can be performed as follows, which tests the listed solvers against the MPI backend.

!OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 mpirun -np 2 libtbx.python \
modules/cctbx_project/scitbx/examples/bevington/strumpack_eigen_solver_mpi_dist.py \
out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-.csv \
/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.
  try: mod = __import__(name)
/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.
  try: mod = __import__(name)
/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.
  try: mod = __import__(name)
/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.
  try: mod = __import__(name)
14151 7075.5
# ***** WARNING ****************************************************
# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.
# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which
# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.
# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,
# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).
# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,
# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.
# ******************************************************************
individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.350s; elapsed,    0.344s
individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.050s
individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.020s; elapsed,    0.027s
CPP -2
# Initializing STRUMPACK
# using 1 OpenMP thread
CPP -2
# using 2 MPI processes
# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling
# initial matrix:
#   - number of unknowns = 14,151
#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305
# nested dissection reordering:
#   - Scotch reordering
#   - strategy parameter = 8
#   - number of separators = 4,075
#   - number of levels = 68
# ***** WARNING ****************************************************
# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.
# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which
# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.
# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,
# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).
# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,
# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.
# ******************************************************************
#   - nd time = 0.0810261
#   - matching time = 0.0116782
#   - symmetrization time = 0.00337219
# symbolic factorization:
#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075
#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0
#   - symb-factor time = 0.021524
# multifrontal factorization:
#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.70359 MB
#   - factor time = 0.223322
#   - factor nonzeros = 962,949
#   - factor memory = 7.70359 MB
#   - total flops = 2.49112e+08, min = 3.46562e+07, max = 2.14456e+08
#   - flop rate = 1.11548 GFlop/s
#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal
#   - maximum HSS rank = 0
#   - HSS compression = false
#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01
#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08
#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine

# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------
# compression           = 0
#    random             = 0
#    ID                 = 0
#    QR                 = 0
#    ortho              = 0
#    reduce_samples     = 0
#    update_samples     = 0
#    extraction         = 0
#    sampling           = 0
#       CB_sample       = 0
#       sparse_sampling = 0
# ULV_factor            = 0
# Schur                 = 0
# full_rank             = 2.63271e+08
# --------------------------------------------
# total                 = 2.63271e+08
# --------------------------------------------

REFINEMENT it. 0    res =        15322  rel.res =            1  bw.error =            1
REFINEMENT it. 1    res =   1.1079e-11  rel.res =  7.23077e-16  bw.error =  1.25632e-15
#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000
#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1
#   - solve time = 0.011821
#   - total flops = 2.47602e+06, min = 838849, max = 1.63717e+06
#   - flop rate = 0.209459 GFlop/s
#   - bytes moved = 21.8361 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB
#   - byte rate = 1.84722 GByte/s
#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.113391 flop/byte
individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.350s; elapsed,    0.359s
individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.370s; elapsed,    0.365s
Exiting profiler
time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.350s; elapsed,    0.359s, #calls:   1
TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.350s; elapsed,    0.359s
Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen
Exiting profiler
time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.350s; elapsed,    0.344s, #calls:   1
time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.020s; elapsed,    0.027s, #calls:   1
time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.050s, #calls:   1
time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.370s; elapsed,    0.365s, #calls:   1
TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.790s; elapsed,    0.786s

We now use the same procedure of creating a solver file, write to disk, and call with the respective matrix arguments with OMP_NUM_THREADS and mpirun -n. For simplicity, we examine the OpenMP STRUM_SCOTCHA, EIGEN_LDLT and EIGEN_BICGSTAB, compared with the MPI-enabled STRUM_SCOTCHA (we may also examine the full range of algorithms as used in the previous example).

from __future__ import division

import mpi4py
mpi4py.rc.threads = True
mpi4py.rc.thread_level = "funneled"
from mpi4py import MPI

assert MPI.Is_initialized()
assert MPI.Query_thread() == MPI.THREAD_FUNNELED

rank = comm.Get_rank()
size = comm.Get_size()

from scitbx.matrix import sqr,col
from cctbx.array_family import flex
from libtbx.test_utils import approx_equal
from libtbx.development.timers import Profiler

import boost.python
ext_omp = boost.python.import_ext("scitbx_examples_strumpack_solver_ext")
ext_mpi = boost.python.import_ext("scitbx_examples_strumpack_mpi_dist_solver_ext")
import sys
import numpy as np

import scipy.sparse as sps

if rank==0:
  A_mat = np.loadtxt(sys.argv[1],dtype={'names':('rows','cols','vals'),'formats':('i8','i8','f8')})
  b_vec = np.loadtxt(sys.argv[2])
  n_rows = len(b_vec)
  n_cols = n_rows
  nnz = len(A_mat['vals'])
  print n_rows, n_rows/size
  #Convert the sparse CSR to flex doubles, then use them to solve using the implemented framework
  A_sp = sps.csr_matrix((A_mat['vals'],(A_mat['rows'],A_mat['cols']))) 

  #Check if upper/lower triangular only, and generate full if so

  A_spS = A_sp
  if tu.nnz == sd.getnnz() or tl.nnz == sd.getnnz():
    A_spS = A_sp + A_sp.transpose() - sd

  import numpy as np
  row_idx_split = np.array_split(np.arange(n_rows),size)
  len_row_idx_split = flex.int( np.cumsum( np.append([0], [len(i) for i in row_idx_split]) ).tolist() )
  P = Profiler("STRUMPACK_OMP")
  A_indptr = flex.int( A_spS.indptr )
  A_indices = flex.int( A_spS.indices )
  A_data = flex.double( A_spS.data )
  b = flex.double( b_vec )
  res_strum_omp = ext_omp.strumpack_solver(
                    n_rows, n_cols, 
                    A_indptr, A_indices,
                    A_data, b,
  del P
  P = Profiler("EIGEN_LDLT")
  res_eig_ldlt = ext_omp.eigen_solver(1, n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr, A_indices, A_data, b)
  del P
  P = Profiler("EIGEN_BICGSTAB")
  res_eig_bicgstab = ext_omp.eigen_solver(2, n_rows, n_cols, A_indptr, A_indices, A_data, b)
  del P


if size>1:
  #Broadcast data to each rank
  A_spS = comm.bcast(A_spS, root=0)
  row_idx_split = comm.bcast(row_idx_split, root=0)
  len_row_idx_split = comm.bcast(len_row_idx_split, root=0)
  b_vec = comm.bcast(b_vec, root=0)
  n_cols = comm.bcast(n_cols, root=0)

  #Take subset of data for each rank
  A_row_offset = flex.int(A_spS[row_idx_split[rank],:].indptr)
  A_col_offset = flex.int(A_spS[row_idx_split[rank],:].indices)
  A_values = flex.double(A_spS[row_idx_split[rank],:].data)
  b = flex.double(b_vec[row_idx_split[rank]])

  P = Profiler("STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=%d"%rank)
  res_strum_mpi_local = ext_mpi.strumpack_mpi_dist_solver(len(row_idx_split[rank]), n_cols, comm, A_row_offset, A_col_offset, A_values, b, len_row_idx_split, ext_mpi.scotch, ext_mpi.auto)
  strum_result_mpi_list = comm.gather(res_strum_mpi_local.x, root=0)
  del P
  if rank==0:
    strum_result_mpi = flex.double()
    for l in strum_result_mpi_list:

if rank==0:
  strum_result_omp = res_strum_omp.x
  eig_result_ldlt = res_eig_ldlt.x
  eig_result_bicgstab = res_eig_bicgstab.x

  for ii in xrange(len(strum_result_omp)):
    assert approx_equal( strum_result_omp[ii], eig_result_ldlt[ii]  )
    assert approx_equal( strum_result_omp[ii], eig_result_bicgstab[ii]  )
    if size>1:
      assert approx_equal( strum_result_omp[ii], strum_result_mpi[ii]  )
  print "Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen"

MPI_SOLVER_FILE = open("MPI_SOLVER.py", "w")

A_LIST = !find {DATAPATH} -iname "A*.csv"
B_LIST = [ii.replace('/A_','/b_') for ii in A_LIST]

We intend to examine performance while varying both OMP_NUM_THREADS and the MPI process number to determine an optimal set of parameters for the distributed backend. In the following example we test between 1 to 16 OpenMP threads per process, and from 1 to 16 MPI processes, assuming a total of threads*processes <= 32 cores. The resulting data set will be a scalar field of time as a function of both variables, which we can plot as a heatmap. We can begin by running the analysis on a 1000 image dataset.

import os
threads_list = [1,2,4,8,16]
mpi_proc_list = [1,2,4,8,16]
for imgs_size in list_idx:
    print "Data Set Size:=%s"%imgs_size
    #Subselect the smallest data size for now
    if imgs_size != "1k":
        print "Skipping %s"%imgs_size

    for imgs_idx in list_idx[imgs_size]:

        A_path = A_LIST[imgs_idx]; b_path = B_LIST[imgs_idx]
        dat_name = A_path.split('/')[-1][2:-4]

        print "Data Set Name:=%s"%(dat_name)

        #Ensure the A and b data are matched correctly
        assert(os.path.dirname(A_path) == os.path.dirname(b_path))
        print {A_path}, {b_path}

        for procs in mpi_proc_list:
            for threads in threads_list:
                if threads*procs <= 32:
                    print "mpirun -n %d"%procs
                    print "OMP_NUM_THREADS:=%d"%threads

                    val = !OMP_NUM_THREADS={threads} mpirun -n {procs} libtbx.python ./MPI_SOLVER.py {A_path} {b_path}
                    print val
                    for s in val:
                        if "assert" in s:
                            raise Exception("Solutions not equal! Halting with log: %s"%val)
                    key = 'mpi' + str(procs)  + 'omp' + str(threads) + '_' + dat_name


Data Set Size:=10k
Skipping 10k
Data Set Size:=1k
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-.csv'])
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 14151.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.330s; elapsed,    0.332s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.047s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.020s; elapsed,    0.025s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.330s; elapsed,    0.332s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.020s; elapsed,    0.025s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.047s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.400s; elapsed,    0.404s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 14151.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.251s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.047s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.023s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.251s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.023s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.047s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.630s; elapsed,    0.321s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 14151.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.720s; elapsed,    0.189s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.210s; elapsed,    0.053s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.022s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.720s; elapsed,    0.189s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.022s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.210s; elapsed,    0.053s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.020s; elapsed,    0.264s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 14151.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.570s; elapsed,    0.208s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.390s; elapsed,    0.048s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.160s; elapsed,    0.020s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.570s; elapsed,    0.208s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.160s; elapsed,    0.020s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.390s; elapsed,    0.048s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.120s; elapsed,    0.277s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 14151.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.140s; elapsed,    0.213s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.260s; elapsed,    0.079s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.370s; elapsed,    0.023s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.140s; elapsed,    0.213s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.370s; elapsed,    0.023s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.260s; elapsed,    0.079s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.770s; elapsed,    0.315s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 7075.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.340s; elapsed,    0.351s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.050s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.026s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', '# using 2 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.#   - nd time = ', '# ******************************************************************', '0.0834329', '#   - matching time = 0.0113571', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00335288', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0144382', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.70359 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.188955', '#   - factor nonzeros = 962,949', '#   - factor memory = 7.70359 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.49112e+08, min = 3.46562e+07, max = 2.14456e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.31837 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.63271e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.63271e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =   1.1079e-11\trel.res =  7.23077e-16\tbw.error =  1.25632e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0111809', '#   - total flops = 2.47602e+06, min = 838849, max = 1.63717e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.221451 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.8361 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.95298 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.113391 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.319s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.323s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.319s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.319s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.340s; elapsed,    0.351s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.026s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.050s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.323s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.730s; elapsed,    0.750s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 7075.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.265s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.100s; elapsed,    0.050s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.023s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', '# using 2 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0841191', '#   - matching time = 0.0118749', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00408697', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.019855', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.70359 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.112911', '#   - factor nonzeros = 962,949', '#   - factor memory = 7.70359 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.49139e+08, min = 3.46562e+07, max = 2.14483e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.20651 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.63271e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.63271e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.04075e-11\trel.res =  6.79254e-16\tbw.error =  1.20867e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.010448', '#   - total flops = 2.47602e+06, min = 838849, max = 1.63717e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.236985 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.8492 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 2.09124 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.113323 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.253s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.510s; elapsed,    0.259s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.253s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.253s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.265s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.023s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.100s; elapsed,    0.050s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.510s; elapsed,    0.259s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.180s; elapsed,    0.596s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 7075.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.940s; elapsed,    0.248s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.076s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.100s; elapsed,    0.025s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 4 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 5 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 2 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0842121', '#   - matching time = 0.0123389', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00392413', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.016829', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.70359 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.09586', '#   - factor nonzeros = 962,949', '#   - factor memory = 7.70359 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.49144e+08, min = 3.46562e+07, max = 2.14488e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.59904 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.63271e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.63271e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.02827e-11\trel.res =  6.71106e-16\tbw.error =  1.20855e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.01089', '#   - total flops = 2.47602e+06, min = 838849, max = 1.63717e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.227366 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.8668 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 2.00797 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.113232 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.910s; elapsed,    0.234s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.960s; elapsed,    0.240s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.910s; elapsed,    0.234s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.910s; elapsed,    0.234s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.940s; elapsed,    0.248s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.100s; elapsed,    0.025s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.076s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.960s; elapsed,    0.240s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.300s; elapsed,    0.588s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 7075.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.440s; elapsed,    0.191s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.390s; elapsed,    0.049s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.160s; elapsed,    0.020s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 8 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 6 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', '# using 2 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0945621', '#   - matching time = 0.013525', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.0044291', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.019686', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.70359 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.102882', '#   - factor nonzeros = 962,949', '#   - factor memory = 7.70359 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.49146e+08, min = 3.46578e+07, max = 2.14488e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.42166 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.63271e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.63271e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.00272e-11\trel.res =  6.54433e-16\tbw.error =   1.2116e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0105138', '#   - total flops = 2.47602e+06, min = 838849, max = 1.63717e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.235502 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.8836 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 2.08142 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.113145 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    2.010s; elapsed,    0.256s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.090s; elapsed,    0.262s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    2.010s; elapsed,    0.256s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.010s; elapsed,    0.256s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.440s; elapsed,    0.191s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.160s; elapsed,    0.020s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.390s; elapsed,    0.049s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.090s; elapsed,    0.262s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.080s; elapsed,    0.522s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 7075.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.370s; elapsed,    0.231s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.920s; elapsed,    0.057s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.350s; elapsed,    0.022s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 16 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 7 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 2 MPI processesCPP -2', '', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0956161', '#   - matching time = 0.0146439', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00466204', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0220499', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.70359 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.113796', '#   - factor nonzeros = 962,949', '#   - factor memory = 7.70359 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.49152e+08, min = 3.46594e+07, max = 2.14492e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.18946 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.63271e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.63271e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.00817e-11\trel.res =  6.57988e-16\tbw.error =   1.2116e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.010931', '#   - total flops = 2.47602e+06, min = 838849, max = 1.63717e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.226513 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.8961 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 2.00312 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.11308 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    4.050s; elapsed,    0.273s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    4.440s; elapsed,    0.279s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    4.050s; elapsed,    0.273s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.050s; elapsed,    0.273s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.370s; elapsed,    0.231s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.350s; elapsed,    0.022s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.920s; elapsed,    0.057s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    4.440s; elapsed,    0.279s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    9.080s; elapsed,    0.589s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 3537.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.380s; elapsed,    0.383s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.054s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.029s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************#   - nd time = ', '0.0921421', '#   - matching time = 0.012584', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00509715', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0135608', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.71692 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.142919', '#   - factor nonzeros = 964,615', '#   - factor memory = 7.71692 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.5035e+08, min = 2.90159e+07, max = 1.34565e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.75169 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.63777e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.63777e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.13122e-11\trel.res =    7.383e-16\tbw.error =  2.51177e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.013602', '#   - total flops = 2.86909e+06, min = 493941, max = 897810', '#   - flop rate = 0.210931 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 20.6003 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.5145 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.139274 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.286s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.288s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.290s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.288s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.288s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.284s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.286s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.286s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.380s; elapsed,    0.383s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.029s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.054s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.290s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.750s; elapsed,    0.756s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 3537.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.053s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.024s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 4 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.093828', '#   - matching time = 0.0128682', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00457501', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0154769', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.71692 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.103127', '#   - factor nonzeros = 964,615', '#   - factor memory = 7.71692 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.50361e+08, min = 2.90159e+07, max = 1.34577e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.4277 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.63777e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.63777e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.13019e-11\trel.res =  7.37623e-16\tbw.error =  2.51177e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0116901', '#   - total flops = 2.86909e+06, min = 493941, max = 897810', '#   - flop rate = 0.245428 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 20.6104 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.76305 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.139206 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.253s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.250s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.252s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.510s; elapsed,    0.256s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.253s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.253s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.250s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.250s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.252s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.252s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.270s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.024s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.053s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.510s; elapsed,    0.256s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.200s; elapsed,    0.603s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 3537.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.900s; elapsed,    0.237s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.220s; elapsed,    0.056s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.070s; elapsed,    0.021s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 4 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 5 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0950179', '#   - matching time = 0.01349', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00556684', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.016129', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.71692 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.103751', '#   - factor nonzeros = 964,615', '#   - factor memory = 7.71692 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.50364e+08, min = 2.90159e+07, max = 1.34579e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.41312 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.63777e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.63777e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.12775e-11\trel.res =   7.3603e-16\tbw.error =  2.51177e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0118899', '#   - total flops = 2.86909e+06, min = 493941, max = 897810', '#   - flop rate = 0.241304 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 20.623 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.73449 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.139121 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.254s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.256s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.020s; elapsed,    0.257s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.261s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.256s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.256s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.254s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.254s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.020s; elapsed,    0.257s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.020s; elapsed,    0.257s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.900s; elapsed,    0.237s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.070s; elapsed,    0.021s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.220s; elapsed,    0.056s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.261s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.240s; elapsed,    0.574s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 3537.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.670s; elapsed,    0.223s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.650s; elapsed,    0.081s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.190s; elapsed,    0.024s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 8 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 6 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 4 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.095717', '#   - matching time = 0.0142171', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00552583', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0187118', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.71692 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.131734', '#   - factor nonzeros = 964,615', '#   - factor memory = 7.71692 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.50371e+08, min = 2.90175e+07, max = 1.34581e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.90058 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.63777e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.63777e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.13334e-11\trel.res =   7.3968e-16\tbw.error =  2.51177e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.013279', '#   - total flops = 2.86909e+06, min = 493941, max = 897810', '#   - flop rate = 0.216063 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 20.6319 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.55373 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.139061 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    2.290s; elapsed,    0.293s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    2.280s; elapsed,    0.291sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    2.300s; elapsed,    0.294s', '', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.370s; elapsed,    0.297s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    2.290s; elapsed,    0.293s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.290s; elapsed,    0.293s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    2.300s; elapsed,    0.294s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.300s; elapsed,    0.294s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    2.280s; elapsed,    0.291s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.280s; elapsed,    0.291s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.670s; elapsed,    0.223s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.190s; elapsed,    0.024s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.650s; elapsed,    0.081s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.370s; elapsed,    0.297s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.880s; elapsed,    0.625s']
mpirun -n 8
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 1768.875', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.370s; elapsed,    0.374s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.054s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.029s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 8 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 66', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.092581', '#   - matching time = 0.0129061', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00472403', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0125499', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.6429 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.120092', '#   - factor nonzeros = 955,363', '#   - factor memory = 7.6429 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.43618e+08, min = 181487, max = 9.78935e+07', '#   - flop rate = 2.02859 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.55532e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.55532e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  9.95445e-12\trel.res =  6.49683e-16\tbw.error =  8.94762e-16', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0136209', '#   - total flops = 3.54215e+06, min = 18825, max = 800361', '#   - flop rate = 0.260053 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.924 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.46276 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.177783 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.262s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.261s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.261s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.262s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.262s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.261s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.262s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.266s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.261s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.261s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.262s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.262s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.262s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.262s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.262s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.262s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.261s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.261s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.261s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.261s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.262s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.262s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.370s; elapsed,    0.374s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.029s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.054s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.266s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.720s; elapsed,    0.723s']
mpirun -n 8
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 1768.875', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.256s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.055s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.060s; elapsed,    0.026s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using CPP -2', '2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2CPP -2', '', '# using 8 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 66', '#   - nd time = # ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '0.087255', '#   - matching time = 0.015729', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00505519', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.013561', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.6429 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.111239', '#   - factor nonzeros = 955,363', '#   - factor memory = 7.6429 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.43625e+08, min = 181487, max = 9.79012e+07', '#   - flop rate = 2.19011 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.55532e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.55532e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  9.96659e-12\trel.res =  6.50475e-16\tbw.error =  8.85161e-16', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0127609', '#   - total flops = 3.54215e+06, min = 18825, max = 800361', '#   - flop rate = 0.277579 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.9308 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.56187 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.177722 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.255s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.255s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.253s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.255s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.255s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.256s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.257s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.260s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.255s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.255s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.255s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.255s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.255s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.255s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.255s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.255s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.256s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.256s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.253s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.253s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.257s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.257s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.256s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.060s; elapsed,    0.026s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.055s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.260s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.180s; elapsed,    0.597s']
mpirun -n 8
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 1768.875', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.900s; elapsed,    0.237s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.054s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.023s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 4 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 5 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 8 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 66', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.103038', '#   - matching time = 0.0141149', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00636292', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.018019', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.6429 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.14164', '#   - factor nonzeros = 955,363', '#   - factor memory = 7.6429 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.43632e+08, min = 183182, max = 9.79029e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.72008 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.55532e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.55532e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  9.72427e-12\trel.res =   6.3466e-16\tbw.error =  8.82623e-16', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0138209', '#   - total flops = 3.54215e+06, min = 18825, max = 800361', '#   - flop rate = 0.256289 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.9395 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.44271 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.177644 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    1.200s; elapsed,    0.307s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.210s; elapsed,    0.309sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    1.210s; elapsed,    0.308s', '', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.150s; elapsed,    0.309s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    1.220s; elapsed,    0.310sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    1.210s; elapsed,    0.310s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.200s; elapsed,    0.310s', '', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.260s; elapsed,    0.314s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    1.200s; elapsed,    0.307s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.200s; elapsed,    0.307s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.210s; elapsed,    0.309s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.210s; elapsed,    0.309s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    1.210s; elapsed,    0.308s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.210s; elapsed,    0.308s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    1.220s; elapsed,    0.310s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.220s; elapsed,    0.310s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    1.210s; elapsed,    0.310s, #calls:   1', 'Exiting profilerTOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.210s; elapsed,    0.310s', '', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.150s; elapsed,    0.309s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.150s; elapsed,    0.309s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.200s; elapsed,    0.310s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.200s; elapsed,    0.310s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.900s; elapsed,    0.237s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.023s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.054s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.260s; elapsed,    0.314s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.470s; elapsed,    0.629s']
mpirun -n 16
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 884.4375', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.400s; elapsed,    0.399s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.056s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.030s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 16 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 65', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.096596', '#   - matching time = 0.0133419', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00511479', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.014358', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.6429 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.155044', '#   - factor nonzeros = 955,363', '#   - factor memory = 7.6429 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.43618e+08, min = 178295, max = 4.76965e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.57128 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.52727e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.52727e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.03051e-11\trel.res =  6.72566e-16\tbw.error =  9.34049e-16', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0169559', '#   - total flops = 5.0589e+06, min = 14405, max = 774758', '#   - flop rate = 0.298357 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 18.8309 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.11058 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.268649 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.314sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.315s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.314s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.315s', '', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.210s; elapsed,    0.314s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.314s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.220s; elapsed,    0.314s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.312sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.314s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.313s', '', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.314s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.313s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.314s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.314s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.315s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.320s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.314s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.314s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.315s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.315s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.313s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.313s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.314s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.314s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.315s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.315s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.314s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.314s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.314s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.314s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.210s; elapsed,    0.314s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.210s; elapsed,    0.314s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.313s, #calls:   1', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.314s, #calls:   1TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.313s', '', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.314s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.314s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.314s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.220s; elapsed,    0.314s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.220s; elapsed,    0.314s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.314s, #calls:   1Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.312s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.312s', '', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.314s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.315s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.315s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.400s; elapsed,    0.399s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.030s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.056s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.320s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.800s; elapsed,    0.805s']
mpirun -n 16
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 884.4375', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.278s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.100s; elapsed,    0.054s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.024s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 16 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 65', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.09727', '#   - matching time = 0.014107', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00612402', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0187101', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.6429 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.138211', '#   - factor nonzeros = 955,363', '#   - factor memory = 7.6429 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.43622e+08, min = 178295, max = 4.76965e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.76268 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.52727e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.52727e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =   1.0207e-11\trel.res =  6.66167e-16\tbw.error =  9.34544e-16', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.01372', '#   - total flops = 5.0589e+06, min = 14405, max = 774758', '#   - flop rate = 0.368723 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 18.8371 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.37296 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.26856 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.610s; elapsed,    0.305s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.307sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.306s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.304s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.303s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.305s', '', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.610s; elapsed,    0.306s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.307s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.305s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.306s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.306s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.306s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.304s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.305s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.307s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.610s; elapsed,    0.311s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.610s; elapsed,    0.305s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.610s; elapsed,    0.305s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.306s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.306s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.307s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.307s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.303s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.303s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.304s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.304s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.306s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.306s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.307s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.307sExiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.610s; elapsed,    0.306s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.610s; elapsed,    0.306s', '', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.305s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.305s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.304s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.304s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.305s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.305s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.307s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.307s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.306s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.306s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.306s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.306s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.305s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.305s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.278s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.024s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.100s; elapsed,    0.054s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.610s; elapsed,    0.311s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.300s; elapsed,    0.667s']
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-.csv'])
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 13651.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.940s; elapsed,    0.944s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.219s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.060s; elapsed,    0.066s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.940s; elapsed,    0.944s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.060s; elapsed,    0.066s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.219s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.230s; elapsed,    1.229s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 13651.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.440s; elapsed,    0.736s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.219s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.100s; elapsed,    0.056s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.440s; elapsed,    0.736s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.100s; elapsed,    0.056s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.219s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.950s; elapsed,    1.011s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 13651.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.680s; elapsed,    0.441s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.770s; elapsed,    0.231s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.170s; elapsed,    0.048s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.680s; elapsed,    0.441s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.170s; elapsed,    0.048s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.770s; elapsed,    0.231s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.620s; elapsed,    0.720s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 13651.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.330s; elapsed,    0.436s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.520s; elapsed,    0.248s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.042s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.330s; elapsed,    0.436s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.042s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.520s; elapsed,    0.248s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    5.110s; elapsed,    0.727s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 13651.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    6.930s; elapsed,    0.460s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    2.980s; elapsed,    0.242s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.470s; elapsed,    0.039s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    6.930s; elapsed,    0.460s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.470s; elapsed,    0.039s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    2.980s; elapsed,    0.242s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,   10.380s; elapsed,    0.740s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 6825.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.940s; elapsed,    0.941s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.230s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.060s; elapsed,    0.066s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', '# using 2 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 130,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,057', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.#   - nd time = ', '# ******************************************************************', '0.0845411', '#   - matching time = 0.0167019', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00645304', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,057', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0218749', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.3681 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.613879', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,171,017', '#   - factor memory = 17.3681 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.1267e+09, min = 2.48891e+08, max = 8.77805e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.83537 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.18662e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.18662e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.66736e-11\trel.res =  1.02959e-15\tbw.error =  2.06992e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0215859', '#   - total flops = 5.32738e+06, min = 2.07883e+06, max = 3.24855e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.246799 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 42.9647 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.9904 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.123994 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.770s; elapsed,    0.776s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.790s; elapsed,    0.786s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.770s; elapsed,    0.776s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.770s; elapsed,    0.776s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.940s; elapsed,    0.941s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.060s; elapsed,    0.066s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.230s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.790s; elapsed,    0.786s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.020s; elapsed,    2.023s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 6825.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.310s; elapsed,    0.672s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.430s; elapsed,    0.230s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.053s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', '# using 2 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 130,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,057', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0888541', '#   - matching time = 0.018559', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00735211', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,057', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0272582', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.3681 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.34786', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,171,017', '#   - factor memory = 17.3681 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.12676e+09, min = 2.48891e+08, max = 8.77865e+08', '#   - flop rate = 3.23911 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.18662e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.18662e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.67788e-11\trel.res =  1.03609e-15\tbw.error =  2.06057e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0152318', '#   - total flops = 5.32999e+06, min = 2.07883e+06, max = 3.25116e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.349924 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 43.0716 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 2.82773 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.123747 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.020s; elapsed,    0.516s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.525s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.020s; elapsed,    0.516s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.020s; elapsed,    0.516s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.310s; elapsed,    0.672s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.053s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.430s; elapsed,    0.230s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.525s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.880s; elapsed,    1.480s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 6825.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    2.000s; elapsed,    0.516s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.790s; elapsed,    0.225s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.160s; elapsed,    0.046s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 4 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 5 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', '# using 2 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 130,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,057', '#   - number of levels = 68', '#   - nd time = # ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '0.086098', '#   - matching time = 0.0174599', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00688505', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,057', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0286288', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.3681 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.277136', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,171,017', '#   - factor memory = 17.3681 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.12676e+09, min = 2.48891e+08, max = 8.77866e+08', '#   - flop rate = 4.06572 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.18662e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.18662e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.66738e-11\trel.res =  1.02961e-15\tbw.error =  2.06014e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0182171', '#   - total flops = 5.32999e+06, min = 2.07883e+06, max = 3.25116e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.292582 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 43.0824 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 2.36495 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.123716 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.760s; elapsed,    0.446s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.810s; elapsed,    0.455s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.760s; elapsed,    0.446s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.760s; elapsed,    0.446s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    2.000s; elapsed,    0.516s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.160s; elapsed,    0.046s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.790s; elapsed,    0.225s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.810s; elapsed,    0.455s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.760s; elapsed,    1.242s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 6825.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.720s; elapsed,    0.489s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.550s; elapsed,    0.243s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.040s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 8 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 6 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 2 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 130,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,057', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.10344', '#   - matching time = 0.0205929', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00799203', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,057', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.029407', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.3681 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.320545', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,171,017', '#   - factor memory = 17.3681 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.1268e+09, min = 2.48892e+08, max = 8.77908e+08', '#   - flop rate = 3.51526 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.18662e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.18662e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.71226e-11\trel.res =  1.05732e-15\tbw.error =  2.05844e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.019094', '#   - total flops = 5.32999e+06, min = 2.07883e+06, max = 3.25116e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.279145 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 43.1071 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 2.25763 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.123645 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    4.060s; elapsed,    0.514s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    4.180s; elapsed,    0.524s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    4.060s; elapsed,    0.514s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.060s; elapsed,    0.514s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.720s; elapsed,    0.489s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.040s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.550s; elapsed,    0.243s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    4.180s; elapsed,    0.524s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    9.700s; elapsed,    1.297s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 6825.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    7.340s; elapsed,    0.486s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    3.000s; elapsed,    0.234s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.470s; elapsed,    0.039s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 16 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 7 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 2 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 130,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,057', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0929561', '#   - matching time = 0.026655', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00831103', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,057', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.052108', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.3681 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.369107', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,171,017', '#   - factor memory = 17.3681 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.12684e+09, min = 2.48893e+08, max = 8.77944e+08', '#   - flop rate = 3.05287 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.18662e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.18662e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.65852e-11\trel.res =  1.02414e-15\tbw.error =  2.05914e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.019182', '#   - total flops = 5.32999e+06, min = 2.07883e+06, max = 3.25116e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.277865 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 43.1462 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 2.24931 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.123533 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    8.860s; elapsed,    0.594s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    9.620s; elapsed,    0.602s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    8.860s; elapsed,    0.594s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    8.860s; elapsed,    0.594s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    7.340s; elapsed,    0.486s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.470s; elapsed,    0.039s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    3.000s; elapsed,    0.234s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    9.620s; elapsed,    0.602s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,   20.430s; elapsed,    1.360s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 3412.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    1.006s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.236s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.070s; elapsed,    0.069s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 130,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,063', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.090996', '#   - matching time = 0.0176051', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00897717', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,063', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.019057', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.6027 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.380739', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,200,341', '#   - factor memory = 17.6027 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.17047e+09, min = 1.89709e+08, max = 4.51898e+08', '#   - flop rate = 3.07421 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.22692e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.22692e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.60273e-11\trel.res =  9.89682e-16\tbw.error =   2.4436e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0205159', '#   - total flops = 6.73405e+06, min = 1.27554e+06, max = 2.06214e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.328235 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 39.2925 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.91522 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.171383 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.546s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.546s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.543s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.551s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.546s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.546s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.543s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.543s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.546s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.546s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    1.006s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.070s; elapsed,    0.069s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.236s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.551s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.860s; elapsed,    1.862s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 3412.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.410s; elapsed,    0.719s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.420s; elapsed,    0.240s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.057s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 130,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,063', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.104213', '#   - matching time = 0.0206001', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.0108202', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,063', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0242069', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.6027 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.340766', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,200,341', '#   - factor memory = 17.6027 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.17048e+09, min = 1.89709e+08, max = 4.51908e+08', '#   - flop rate = 3.43486 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.22692e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.22692e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.55832e-11\trel.res =  9.62261e-16\tbw.error =  2.45106e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0194521', '#   - total flops = 6.73405e+06, min = 1.27554e+06, max = 2.06214e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.346186 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 39.3012 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 2.02041 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.171345 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.533s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.529s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.060s; elapsed,    0.535s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.539s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.533s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.533s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.529s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.529s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.060s; elapsed,    0.535s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.060s; elapsed,    0.535s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.410s; elapsed,    0.719s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.057s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.420s; elapsed,    0.240s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.539s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    3.010s; elapsed,    1.555s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 3412.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.930s; elapsed,    0.502s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.800s; elapsed,    0.226s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.180s; elapsed,    0.052s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 4 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 5 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 130,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,063', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.10354', '#   - matching time = 0.0195551', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.0104699', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,063', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0286989', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.6027 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.296537', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,200,341', '#   - factor memory = 17.6027 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.17048e+09, min = 1.89709e+08, max = 4.51908e+08', '#   - flop rate = 3.94717 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.22692e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.22692e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =   1.5551e-11\trel.res =  9.60268e-16\tbw.error =  2.45161e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0215471', '#   - total flops = 6.73405e+06, min = 1.27554e+06, max = 2.06214e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.312527 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 39.3122 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.82448 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.171297 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.950s; elapsed,    0.494s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.930s; elapsed,    0.493s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.920s; elapsed,    0.489s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.990s; elapsed,    0.497s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.950s; elapsed,    0.494s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.950s; elapsed,    0.494s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.920s; elapsed,    0.489s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.920s; elapsed,    0.489s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.930s; elapsed,    0.493s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.930s; elapsed,    0.493s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.930s; elapsed,    0.502s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.180s; elapsed,    0.052s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.800s; elapsed,    0.226s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.990s; elapsed,    0.497s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.900s; elapsed,    1.277s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 3412.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.460s; elapsed,    0.454s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.530s; elapsed,    0.236s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.040s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 8 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 6 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 130,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,063', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.104447', '#   - matching time = 0.021564', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.0102301', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,063', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0260451', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.6027 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.373722', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,200,341', '#   - factor memory = 17.6027 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.17049e+09, min = 1.8971e+08, max = 4.51911e+08', '#   - flop rate = 3.13198 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.22692e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.22692e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.57108e-11\trel.res =  9.70137e-16\tbw.error =  2.45357e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0213079', '#   - total flops = 6.73405e+06, min = 1.27554e+06, max = 2.06214e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.316035 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 39.335 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.84603 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.171197 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    4.490s; elapsed,    0.571s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    4.500s; elapsed,    0.572s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    4.480s; elapsed,    0.566s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    4.610s; elapsed,    0.576s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    4.500s; elapsed,    0.572s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.500s; elapsed,    0.572s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    4.490s; elapsed,    0.571s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.490s; elapsed,    0.571s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    4.480s; elapsed,    0.566s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.480s; elapsed,    0.566s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.460s; elapsed,    0.454s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.040s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.530s; elapsed,    0.236s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    4.610s; elapsed,    0.576s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    9.840s; elapsed,    1.306s']
mpirun -n 8
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 1706.375', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    1.097s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.267s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.080s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 8 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 130,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,063', '#   - number of levels = 66', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.106138', '#   - matching time = 0.0202501', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.011622', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,063', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.022666', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.6027 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.368763', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,200,341', '#   - factor memory = 17.6027 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.17047e+09, min = 908142, max = 2.96546e+08', '#   - flop rate = 3.17405 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.22123e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.22123e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.41958e-11\trel.res =   8.7659e-16\tbw.error =  2.56115e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.022249', '#   - total flops = 8.86617e+06, min = 29121, max = 2.0318e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.398498 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 37.7608 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.69719 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.234798 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.562s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.561s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.563s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.562s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.561s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.563s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.557s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.567s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.562s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.562s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.563s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.563s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.561s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.561s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.561s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.561s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.563s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.563s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.557s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.557s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.562s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.562s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    1.097s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.080s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.267s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.567s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.000s; elapsed,    2.010s']
mpirun -n 8
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 1706.375', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.290s; elapsed,    0.658s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.440s; elapsed,    0.254s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.064s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 8 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 130,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,063', '#   - number of levels = 66', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************#   - nd time = ', '0.099072', '#   - matching time = 0.0206611', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.0122371', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,063', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.026561', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.6027 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.33117', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,200,341', '#   - factor memory = 17.6027 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.17048e+09, min = 908142, max = 2.96551e+08', '#   - flop rate = 3.53437 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.22123e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.22123e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.41384e-11\trel.res =  8.73046e-16\tbw.error =  2.56115e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0206521', '#   - total flops = 8.86617e+06, min = 29121, max = 2.0318e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.429312 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 37.7669 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.82872 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.23476 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.524s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.980s; elapsed,    0.523s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    1.020s; elapsed,    0.524s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    1.030s; elapsed,    0.526s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.519s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.960s; elapsed,    0.525s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.990s; elapsed,    0.525s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.040s; elapsed,    0.529s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.524s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.524s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    1.030s; elapsed,    0.526s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.030s; elapsed,    0.526s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.980s; elapsed,    0.523s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.980s; elapsed,    0.523s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    1.020s; elapsed,    0.524s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.020s; elapsed,    0.524s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.519s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.519s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.960s; elapsed,    0.525s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.960s; elapsed,    0.525s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.990s; elapsed,    0.525s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.990s; elapsed,    0.525s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.290s; elapsed,    0.658s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.064s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.440s; elapsed,    0.254s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.040s; elapsed,    0.529s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.880s; elapsed,    1.505s']
mpirun -n 8
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 1706.375', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.820s; elapsed,    0.477s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.810s; elapsed,    0.262s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.180s; elapsed,    0.054s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 4 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 5 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 8 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 130,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,063', '#   - number of levels = 66', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************#   - nd time = ', '0.105998', '#   - matching time = 0.021929', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.0116129', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,063', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0274742', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.6027 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.349132', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,200,341', '#   - factor memory = 17.6027 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.17048e+09, min = 909542, max = 2.96554e+08', '#   - flop rate = 3.35256 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.22123e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.22123e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.38528e-11\trel.res =  8.55407e-16\tbw.error =  2.55981e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.024472', '#   - total flops = 8.86617e+06, min = 29121, max = 2.0318e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.362299 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 37.7751 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.54361 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.234709 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    2.180s; elapsed,    0.555s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.960s; elapsed,    0.557s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    2.130s; elapsed,    0.556s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.940s; elapsed,    0.556s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    2.170s; elapsed,    0.551s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    1.940s; elapsed,    0.557s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    2.180s; elapsed,    0.556s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.220s; elapsed,    0.562s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    2.180s; elapsed,    0.555s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.180s; elapsed,    0.555s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    2.170s; elapsed,    0.551s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.170s; elapsed,    0.551s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    2.130s; elapsed,    0.556s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.130s; elapsed,    0.556s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    2.180s; elapsed,    0.556s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.180s; elapsed,    0.556s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    1.940s; elapsed,    0.557s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.940s; elapsed,    0.557s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.960s; elapsed,    0.557s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.960s; elapsed,    0.557s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.940s; elapsed,    0.556s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.940s; elapsed,    0.556s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.820s; elapsed,    0.477s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.180s; elapsed,    0.054s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.810s; elapsed,    0.262s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.220s; elapsed,    0.562s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    5.030s; elapsed,    1.355s']
mpirun -n 16
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 853.1875', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.140s; elapsed,    1.136s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.244s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.080s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 16 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 130,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,063', '#   - number of levels = 65', '#   - nd time = # ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '0.0906', '#   - matching time = 0.0179701', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.0105698', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,063', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.021188', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.6382 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.409723', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,204,769', '#   - factor memory = 17.6382 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.17308e+09, min = 594238, max = 2.95348e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.8631 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.21323e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.21323e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =    1.285e-11\trel.res =  7.93488e-16\tbw.error =  1.53534e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.022825', '#   - total flops = 1.19466e+07, min = 20012, max = 1.96858e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.523399 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 36.41 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.59518 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.328113 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.582s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.582s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.581s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.582s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.580s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.583s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.581sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.510s; elapsed,    0.580s', '', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.581s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.582s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.578s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.581sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.581s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.582s', '', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.582s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.587s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.582s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.582s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.582s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.582s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.581s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.581s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.581s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.581s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.582s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.582s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.580s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.580s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.583s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.583s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.578s, #calls:   1', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.581s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.578s', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.581s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.582s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.582s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.582s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.582s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.581s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.581s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.510s; elapsed,    0.580s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.510s; elapsed,    0.580s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.581s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.581s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.582s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.582s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.140s; elapsed,    1.136s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.080s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.244s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.587s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.050s; elapsed,    2.047s']
mpirun -n 16
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 853.1875', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.450s; elapsed,    0.733s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.430s; elapsed,    0.247s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.120s; elapsed,    0.067s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 16 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 130,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,063', '#   - number of levels = 65', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.10632', '#   - matching time = 0.0212049', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.0107839', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,063', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0248349', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.6382 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.363948', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,204,769', '#   - factor memory = 17.6382 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.17308e+09, min = 594238, max = 2.95348e+08', '#   - flop rate = 3.22322 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.21323e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.21323e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =   1.2812e-11\trel.res =  7.91139e-16\tbw.error =  1.53398e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0214942', '#   - total flops = 1.19466e+07, min = 20012, max = 1.96858e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.555806 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 36.4164 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.69425 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.328055 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.990s; elapsed,    0.561s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.560s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.559s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.559s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.559s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    1.020s; elapsed,    0.558s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.561s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.558s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.559s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    1.100s; elapsed,    0.558s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.557s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.559s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.558s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.558s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.558s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.120s; elapsed,    0.564s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.990s; elapsed,    0.561s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.990s; elapsed,    0.561s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.560s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.560s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.559s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.559s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.558s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.558s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.558s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.558s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.561s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.561s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.558s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.558s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    1.020s; elapsed,    0.558s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.020s; elapsed,    0.558s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.559s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.559s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.557s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.557s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    1.100s; elapsed,    0.558s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.100s; elapsed,    0.558s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.559s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.559s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.559s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.559s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.558s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.558s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.559s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.559s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.450s; elapsed,    0.733s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.120s; elapsed,    0.067s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.430s; elapsed,    0.247s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.120s; elapsed,    0.564s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    3.120s; elapsed,    1.611s']
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Deff-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Deff-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Deff-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Deff-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Deff-.csv'])
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 13651.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.330s; elapsed,    0.333s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.047s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.025s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.330s; elapsed,    0.333s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.025s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.047s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.405s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 13651.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.248s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.048s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.022s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.248s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.022s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.048s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.620s; elapsed,    0.318s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 13651.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.820s; elapsed,    0.215s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.190s; elapsed,    0.049s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.021s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.820s; elapsed,    0.215s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.021s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.190s; elapsed,    0.049s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.284s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 13651.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.520s; elapsed,    0.203s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.650s; elapsed,    0.080s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.180s; elapsed,    0.024s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.520s; elapsed,    0.203s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.180s; elapsed,    0.024s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.650s; elapsed,    0.080s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.350s; elapsed,    0.307s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 13651.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.310s; elapsed,    0.223s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.760s; elapsed,    0.048s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.019s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.310s; elapsed,    0.223s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.019s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.760s; elapsed,    0.048s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.380s; elapsed,    0.290s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 6825.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.350s; elapsed,    0.349s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.047s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.025s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', '# using 2 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,077', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.07551', '#   - matching time = 0.0125248', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00372195', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,077', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0142961', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.19591 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.177088', '#   - factor nonzeros = 899,489', '#   - factor memory = 7.19591 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.17387e+08, min = 3.70215e+07, max = 1.80366e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.22757 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.31866e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.31866e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.24011e-11\trel.res =  8.09365e-16\tbw.error =  4.06316e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0116749', '#   - total flops = 2.3471e+06, min = 856409, max = 1.49069e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.201039 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.3289 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.8269 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.110043 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.302s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.306s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.302s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.302s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.350s; elapsed,    0.349s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.025s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.047s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.306s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.730s; elapsed,    0.727s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 6825.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.276s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.055s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.023s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', '# using 2 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,077', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0913858', '#   - matching time = 0.012563', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00397682', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,077', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0184171', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.19591 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.120989', '#   - factor nonzeros = 899,489', '#   - factor memory = 7.19591 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.17416e+08, min = 3.70215e+07, max = 1.80395e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.79699 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.31866e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.31866e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.18614e-11\trel.res =  7.74142e-16\tbw.error =  3.26284e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.00985694', '#   - total flops = 2.34774e+06, min = 856409, max = 1.49133e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.238182 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.3528 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 2.16627 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.10995 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.268s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.276s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.268s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.268s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.276s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.023s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.055s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.276s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.230s; elapsed,    0.630s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 6825.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.790s; elapsed,    0.208s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.210s; elapsed,    0.052s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.021s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 4 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 5 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 2 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,077', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.081831', '#   - matching time = 0.0115721', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.0036571', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,077', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0159321', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.19591 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.099793', '#   - factor nonzeros = 899,489', '#   - factor memory = 7.19591 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.17437e+08, min = 3.70215e+07, max = 1.80416e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.17889 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.31866e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.31866e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.18802e-11\trel.res =  7.75366e-16\tbw.error =  3.26284e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0115058', '#   - total flops = 2.34774e+06, min = 856409, max = 1.49133e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.204048 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.364 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.8568 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.109892 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.910s; elapsed,    0.235s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.950s; elapsed,    0.240s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.910s; elapsed,    0.235s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.910s; elapsed,    0.235s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.790s; elapsed,    0.208s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.021s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.210s; elapsed,    0.052s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.950s; elapsed,    0.240s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.040s; elapsed,    0.522s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 6825.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.580s; elapsed,    0.212s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.051s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.150s; elapsed,    0.019s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 8 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 6 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 2 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,077', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0818939', '#   - matching time = 0.0117681', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00494599', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,077', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0197721', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.19591 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.098726', '#   - factor nonzeros = 899,489', '#   - factor memory = 7.19591 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.17439e+08, min = 3.70231e+07, max = 1.80416e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.20245 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.31866e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.31866e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.16124e-11\trel.res =  7.57889e-16\tbw.error =  3.26284e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0093739', '#   - total flops = 2.34774e+06, min = 856409, max = 1.49133e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.250455 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.3673 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 2.27944 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.109876 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.870s; elapsed,    0.236s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.930s; elapsed,    0.242s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.870s; elapsed,    0.236s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.870s; elapsed,    0.236s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.580s; elapsed,    0.212s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.150s; elapsed,    0.019s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.051s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.930s; elapsed,    0.242s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.070s; elapsed,    0.525s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 6825.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.170s; elapsed,    0.216s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.890s; elapsed,    0.056s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.340s; elapsed,    0.021s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 16 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 7 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 2 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,077', '#   - number of levels = 68', '#   - nd time = # ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '0.0917859', '#   - matching time = 0.0135388', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00417686', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,077', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.020745', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.19591 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.117176', '#   - factor nonzeros = 899,489', '#   - factor memory = 7.19591 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.17444e+08, min = 3.70246e+07, max = 1.8042e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.85571 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.31866e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.31866e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.16336e-11\trel.res =  7.59275e-16\tbw.error =  3.26284e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0136292', '#   - total flops = 2.34774e+06, min = 856409, max = 1.49133e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.172258 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.3718 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.56809 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.109852 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    4.200s; elapsed,    0.272s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    4.410s; elapsed,    0.276s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    4.200s; elapsed,    0.272s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.200s; elapsed,    0.272s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.170s; elapsed,    0.216s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.340s; elapsed,    0.021s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.890s; elapsed,    0.056s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    4.410s; elapsed,    0.276s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    8.810s; elapsed,    0.569s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 3412.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.410s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.054s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.029s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', '# using 4 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,085', '#   - number of levels = 67', '#   - nd time = # ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '0.0900881', '#   - matching time = 0.0127611', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00457215', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,085', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0137699', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.05593 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.164755', '#   - factor nonzeros = 881,991', '#   - factor memory = 7.05593 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.06216e+08, min = 3.70215e+07, max = 8.34426e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.25165 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.19939e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.19939e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.13219e-11\trel.res =  7.38927e-16\tbw.error =  1.08941e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0145369', '#   - total flops = 2.70089e+06, min = 511448, max = 839344', '#   - flop rate = 0.185796 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.8444 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.36511 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.136103 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.307s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.305s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.307s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.310s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.307s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.307s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.305s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.305s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.307s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.307s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.410s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.029s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.054s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.310s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.790s; elapsed,    0.803s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 3412.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.610s; elapsed,    0.311s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.056s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.024s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,085', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.094619', '#   - matching time = 0.0131378', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00457406', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,085', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.014739', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.05593 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.123206', '#   - factor nonzeros = 881,991', '#   - factor memory = 7.05593 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.06223e+08, min = 3.70215e+07, max = 8.34491e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.6738 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.19939e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.19939e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =   1.1215e-11\trel.res =  7.31952e-16\tbw.error =  1.10174e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.012388', '#   - total flops = 2.70089e+06, min = 511448, max = 839344', '#   - flop rate = 0.218025 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.8514 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.60247 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.136055 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.273s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.275s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.272s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.277s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.275s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.275s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.273s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.273s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.272s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.272s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.610s; elapsed,    0.311s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.024s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.056s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.277s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.320s; elapsed,    0.668s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 3412.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.990s; elapsed,    0.259s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.058s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.023s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '4 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 5 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', '# using 4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,085', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0952041', '#   - matching time = 0.0139439', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00526214', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,085', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0158701', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.05593 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.118561', '#   - factor nonzeros = 881,991', '#   - factor memory = 7.05593 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.06223e+08, min = 3.70215e+07, max = 8.34491e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.73938 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.19939e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.19939e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.12111e-11\trel.res =    7.317e-16\tbw.error =  1.10174e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0124111', '#   - total flops = 2.70089e+06, min = 511448, max = 839344', '#   - flop rate = 0.217618 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.8548 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.59976 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.136032 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.273s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.274sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.274s', '', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.279s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.273s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.273s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.274s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.274s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.990s; elapsed,    0.259s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.023s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.058s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.279s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.430s; elapsed,    0.620s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 3412.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.750s; elapsed,    0.232s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.430s; elapsed,    0.054s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.160s; elapsed,    0.020s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 8 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 6 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,085', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.092514', '#   - matching time = 0.014462', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.0052669', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,085', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0163271', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.05593 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.110125', '#   - factor nonzeros = 881,991', '#   - factor memory = 7.05593 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.06229e+08, min = 3.70231e+07, max = 8.34514e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.87268 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.19939e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.19939e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.13871e-11\trel.res =  7.43184e-16\tbw.error =  1.10247e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.01301', '#   - total flops = 2.70089e+06, min = 511448, max = 839344', '#   - flop rate = 0.2076 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.8621 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.52668 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.135982 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    2.060s; elapsed,    0.263s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    2.070s; elapsed,    0.264s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    2.080s; elapsed,    0.264s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.140s; elapsed,    0.269s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    2.060s; elapsed,    0.263s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.060s; elapsed,    0.263s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    2.080s; elapsed,    0.264s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.080s; elapsed,    0.264s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    2.070s; elapsed,    0.264s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.070s; elapsed,    0.264s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.750s; elapsed,    0.232s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.160s; elapsed,    0.020s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.430s; elapsed,    0.054s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.140s; elapsed,    0.269s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.480s; elapsed,    0.575s']
mpirun -n 8
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 1706.375', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.430s; elapsed,    0.420s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.057s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.030s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 8 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,085', '#   - number of levels = 66', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.090615', '#   - matching time = 0.0129662', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00462198', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,085', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0124819', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.05593 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.176365', '#   - factor nonzeros = 881,991', '#   - factor memory = 7.05593 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.06216e+08, min = 225576, max = 6.3946e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.16926 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.18436e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.18436e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.06023e-11\trel.res =  6.91968e-16\tbw.error =  1.08348e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.013438', '#   - total flops = 3.41102e+06, min = 19352, max = 819391', '#   - flop rate = 0.253834 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.4123 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.44458 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.175715 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.316s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.315s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.316s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.315s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.314s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.315s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.315s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.317s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.316s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.316s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.315s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.315s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.315s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.315s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.315s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.315s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.314s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.314s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.316s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.316s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.315s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.315s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.430s; elapsed,    0.420s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.030s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.057s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.317s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.820s; elapsed,    0.824s']
mpirun -n 8
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 1706.375', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.510s; elapsed,    0.262s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.100s; elapsed,    0.058s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.025s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 8 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,085', '#   - number of levels = 66', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.096503', '#   - matching time = 0.0136571', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00595999', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,085', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0173061', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.05593 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.11608', '#   - factor nonzeros = 881,991', '#   - factor memory = 7.05593 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.0622e+08, min = 225576, max = 6.39502e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.77654 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.18436e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.18436e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.05418e-11\trel.res =  6.88014e-16\tbw.error =  1.08348e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0143149', '#   - total flops = 3.41102e+06, min = 19352, max = 819391', '#   - flop rate = 0.238285 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.4183 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.35651 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.175661 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.272s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.275s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.276s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.274s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.274s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.272s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.272s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.274s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.274s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.275s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.275s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.274s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.510s; elapsed,    0.262s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.025s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.100s; elapsed,    0.058s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.276s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.190s; elapsed,    0.620s']
mpirun -n 8
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 1706.375', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.950s; elapsed,    0.251s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.056s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.021s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 4 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 5 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 8 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,085', '#   - number of levels = 66', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.094913', '#   - matching time = 0.0139389', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00638509', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,085', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0184851', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.05593 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.111166', '#   - factor nonzeros = 881,991', '#   - factor memory = 7.05593 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.06227e+08, min = 227131, max = 6.39525e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.85513 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.18436e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.18436e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.07523e-11\trel.res =  7.01753e-16\tbw.error =  1.08377e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.015413', '#   - total flops = 3.41102e+06, min = 19352, max = 819391', '#   - flop rate = 0.221308 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.4256 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.26034 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.175594 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.271s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.272sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.040s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.273s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    1.060s; elapsed,    0.273s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    1.060s; elapsed,    0.274s', '', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.060s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.100s; elapsed,    0.279s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    1.060s; elapsed,    0.274s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.060s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.271s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.271s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.273s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.273s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    1.060s; elapsed,    0.273s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.060s; elapsed,    0.273s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.060s; elapsed,    0.274s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.060s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.040s; elapsed,    0.274s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.040s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.272s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.272s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.950s; elapsed,    0.251s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.021s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.056s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.100s; elapsed,    0.279s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.360s; elapsed,    0.608s']
mpirun -n 16
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 853.1875', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.420s; elapsed,    0.418s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.060s; elapsed,    0.056s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.030s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 16 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,085', '#   - number of levels = 65', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0943608', '#   - matching time = 0.0138721', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00418782', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,085', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0163059', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.05593 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.160943', '#   - factor nonzeros = 881,991', '#   - factor memory = 7.05593 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.06216e+08, min = 172869, max = 4.26352e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.2813 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.15638e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.15638e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  9.75506e-12\trel.res =  6.36669e-16\tbw.error =  1.09812e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0164499', '#   - total flops = 4.7536e+06, min = 13772, max = 794351', '#   - flop rate = 0.288974 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 18.5117 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.12534 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.256789 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.318s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.320s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.220s; elapsed,    0.317s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.200s; elapsed,    0.318s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.321s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.319s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.220s; elapsed,    0.319s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.319s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.319s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.319s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.318s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.318s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.318s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.316s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.319s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.325s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.200s; elapsed,    0.318s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.200s; elapsed,    0.318s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.319s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.319s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.319s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.319s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.320s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.320s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.220s; elapsed,    0.317s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.220s; elapsed,    0.317s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.319s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.319s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.318s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.318s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.318s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.318s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.318s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.318s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.321s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.321s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.316s, #calls:   1', 'Exiting profiler', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.316s', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.318s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.318s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.220s; elapsed,    0.319s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.220s; elapsed,    0.319s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.319s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.319s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.319s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.319s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.420s; elapsed,    0.418s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.030s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.060s; elapsed,    0.056s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.325s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.830s; elapsed,    0.829s']
mpirun -n 16
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13651 853.1875', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.278s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.120s; elapsed,    0.056s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.026s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 16 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,085', '#   - number of levels = 65', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0963531', '#   - matching time = 0.013932', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.0042038', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,085', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0167351', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.05593 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.13779', '#   - factor nonzeros = 881,991', '#   - factor memory = 7.05593 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.06219e+08, min = 172869, max = 4.26352e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.49662 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.15638e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.15638e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =   9.7554e-12\trel.res =  6.36691e-16\tbw.error =  1.09812e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.01367', '#   - total flops = 4.7536e+06, min = 13772, max = 794351', '#   - flop rate = 0.34774 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 18.5136 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.35432 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.256763 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.298s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.300s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.301s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.300s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.301s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.300s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.299s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.300s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.300s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.300s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.299s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.299s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.299s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.300s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.302s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.600s; elapsed,    0.305s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.300s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.300s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.298s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.298s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.301s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.301s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.299s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.299s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.300s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.300s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.301s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.301s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.299s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.299s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.299s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.299s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.300s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.300s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.300s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.300s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.302s, #calls:   1', 'Exiting profilerTOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.302s', '', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.300s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.300s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.300s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.300s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.300s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.300s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.299s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.299s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.278s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.026s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.120s; elapsed,    0.056s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.600s; elapsed,    0.305s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.310s; elapsed,    0.665s']
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Eta-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Eta-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Eta-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Eta-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Eta-.csv'])
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13151 13151.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.340s; elapsed,    0.335s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.047s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.020s; elapsed,    0.024s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.340s; elapsed,    0.335s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.020s; elapsed,    0.024s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.047s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.406s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13151 13151.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.480s; elapsed,    0.247s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.047s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.022s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.480s; elapsed,    0.247s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.022s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.047s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.610s; elapsed,    0.315s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13151 13151.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.790s; elapsed,    0.207s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.190s; elapsed,    0.048s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.021s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.790s; elapsed,    0.207s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.021s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.190s; elapsed,    0.048s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.276s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13151 13151.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.650s; elapsed,    0.220s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.470s; elapsed,    0.057s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.160s; elapsed,    0.021s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.650s; elapsed,    0.220s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.160s; elapsed,    0.021s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.470s; elapsed,    0.057s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.280s; elapsed,    0.299s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13151 13151.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.520s; elapsed,    0.236s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.060s; elapsed,    0.066s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.330s; elapsed,    0.020s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.520s; elapsed,    0.236s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.330s; elapsed,    0.020s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.060s; elapsed,    0.066s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.910s; elapsed,    0.322s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13151 6575.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.360s; elapsed,    0.351s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.052s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.020s; elapsed,    0.027s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using CPP -2', '1 OpenMP thread', '# using 2 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,059', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '#   - nd time = # ******************************************************************', '0.0779922', '#   - matching time = 0.010932', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.003438', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,059', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0142422', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.48993 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.18613', '#   - factor nonzeros = 936,241', '#   - factor memory = 7.48993 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.53572e+08, min = 4.10212e+07, max = 2.1255e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.36234 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.68407e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.68407e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.25063e-11\trel.res =  8.16234e-16\tbw.error =  1.35875e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0109029', '#   - total flops = 2.41526e+06, min = 879234, max = 1.53603e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.221525 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.4806 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.97017 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.11244 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.310s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.314s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.310s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.310s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.360s; elapsed,    0.351s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.020s; elapsed,    0.027s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.052s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.314s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.750s; elapsed,    0.744s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13151 6575.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.256s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.100s; elapsed,    0.049s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.023s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 2 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,059', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0792282', '#   - matching time = 0.0108502', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00356913', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,059', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.015748', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.48993 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.119972', '#   - factor nonzeros = 936,241', '#   - factor memory = 7.48993 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.53597e+08, min = 4.10212e+07, max = 2.12576e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.1138 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.68407e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.68407e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.21473e-11\trel.res =  7.92799e-16\tbw.error =  1.22195e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.00921702', '#   - total flops = 2.41526e+06, min = 879234, max = 1.53603e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.262044 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.4941 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 2.332 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.112368 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.480s; elapsed,    0.248s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.510s; elapsed,    0.251s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.480s; elapsed,    0.248s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.480s; elapsed,    0.248s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.256s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.023s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.100s; elapsed,    0.049s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.510s; elapsed,    0.251s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.150s; elapsed,    0.580s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13151 6575.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.840s; elapsed,    0.221s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.210s; elapsed,    0.051s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.022s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 4 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 5 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 2 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,059', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0806141', '#   - matching time = 0.0107949', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.0034461', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,059', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0149159', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.48993 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.0945809', '#   - factor nonzeros = 936,241', '#   - factor memory = 7.48993 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.53602e+08, min = 4.10212e+07, max = 2.1258e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.68132 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.68407e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.68407e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.19812e-11\trel.res =  7.81957e-16\tbw.error =  1.22195e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.00903296', '#   - total flops = 2.41526e+06, min = 879234, max = 1.53603e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.267383 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.5116 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 2.38146 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.112277 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.860s; elapsed,    0.223s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.900s; elapsed,    0.226s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.860s; elapsed,    0.223s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.860s; elapsed,    0.223s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.840s; elapsed,    0.221s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.022s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.210s; elapsed,    0.051s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.900s; elapsed,    0.226s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.040s; elapsed,    0.521s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13151 6575.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.630s; elapsed,    0.218s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.440s; elapsed,    0.055s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.180s; elapsed,    0.021s', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 8 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 6 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 2 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,059', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0907271', '#   - matching time = 0.0138259', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00546503', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,059', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.016654', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.48993 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.102614', '#   - factor nonzeros = 936,241', '#   - factor memory = 7.48993 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.53606e+08, min = 4.10226e+07, max = 2.12584e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.47146 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.68407e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.68407e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.15724e-11\trel.res =  7.55278e-16\tbw.error =  1.22195e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0105209', '#   - total flops = 2.41526e+06, min = 879234, max = 1.53603e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.229567 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.5265 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 2.04607 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.112199 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.980s; elapsed,    0.253s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.080s; elapsed,    0.261s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.980s; elapsed,    0.253s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.980s; elapsed,    0.253s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.630s; elapsed,    0.218s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.180s; elapsed,    0.021s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.440s; elapsed,    0.055s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.080s; elapsed,    0.261s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.330s; elapsed,    0.555s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13151 6575.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.590s; elapsed,    0.242s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.068s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.370s; elapsed,    0.023s', 'CPP -2CPP -2', '', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 16 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 7 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 2 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,059', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0914981', '#   - matching time = 0.0147059', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00418305', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,059', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0185521', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.48993 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.108894', '#   - factor nonzeros = 936,241', '#   - factor memory = 7.48993 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.5361e+08, min = 4.10239e+07, max = 2.12586e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.32896 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.68407e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.68407e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.15387e-11\trel.res =   7.5308e-16\tbw.error =  1.07124e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0108631', '#   - total flops = 2.41526e+06, min = 879234, max = 1.53603e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.222337 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.5398 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.98285 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.11213 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    4.030s; elapsed,    0.260s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    4.200s; elapsed,    0.263s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    4.030s; elapsed,    0.260s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.030s; elapsed,    0.260s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.590s; elapsed,    0.242s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.370s; elapsed,    0.023s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.068s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    4.200s; elapsed,    0.263s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    9.240s; elapsed,    0.595s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13151 3287.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.380s; elapsed,    0.380s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.060s; elapsed,    0.056s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.029s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '1 OpenMP thread', '# using 4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,059', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.095643', '#   - matching time = 0.0124459', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00487208', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,059', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.015172', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.12607 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.128586', '#   - factor nonzeros = 890,759', '#   - factor memory = 7.12607 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.22417e+08, min = 3.03195e+07, max = 1.02905e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.72971 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.36424e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.36424e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.07646e-11\trel.res =  7.02559e-16\tbw.error =  9.96274e-16', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.013422', '#   - total flops = 2.71052e+06, min = 467563, max = 853409', '#   - flop rate = 0.201946 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.9615 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.48722 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.135788 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.279s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.279s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.277s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.281s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.277s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.277s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.279s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.279s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.279s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.279s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.380s; elapsed,    0.380s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.029s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.060s; elapsed,    0.056s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.281s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.750s; elapsed,    0.747s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13151 3287.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.285s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.053s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.023s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,059', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,#   - nd time = ', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '0.088805', '#   - matching time = 0.0126319', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00530505', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,059', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.015986', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.12607 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.125342', '#   - factor nonzeros = 890,759', '#   - factor memory = 7.12607 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.22424e+08, min = 3.03195e+07, max = 1.02912e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.77453 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.36424e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.36424e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.05664e-11\trel.res =  6.89622e-16\tbw.error =  1.00389e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.014498', '#   - total flops = 2.71052e+06, min = 467563, max = 853409', '#   - flop rate = 0.186959 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.9654 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.37711 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.135761 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.275s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.273s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.279s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.275s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.275s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.274s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.273s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.273s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.285s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.023s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.053s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.279s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.240s; elapsed,    0.640s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13151 3287.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.850s; elapsed,    0.224s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.220s; elapsed,    0.056s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.023s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 4 OpenMP threads', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# number of tasking levels = 5 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,059', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0922999', '#   - matching time = 0.0134981', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00544405', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,059', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0157189', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.12607 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.159256', '#   - factor nonzeros = 890,759', '#   - factor memory = 7.12607 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.22424e+08, min = 3.03195e+07, max = 1.02912e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.39665 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.36424e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.36424e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.05917e-11\trel.res =  6.91271e-16\tbw.error =  1.00389e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.011466', '#   - total flops = 2.71052e+06, min = 467563, max = 853409', '#   - flop rate = 0.236396 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.9702 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.74168 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.135728 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.200s; elapsed,    0.309s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.200s; elapsed,    0.308s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.200s; elapsed,    0.306s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.230s; elapsed,    0.309s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.200s; elapsed,    0.309s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.200s; elapsed,    0.309s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.200s; elapsed,    0.308s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.200s; elapsed,    0.308s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.200s; elapsed,    0.306s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.200s; elapsed,    0.306s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.850s; elapsed,    0.224s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.023s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.220s; elapsed,    0.056s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.230s; elapsed,    0.309s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.390s; elapsed,    0.613s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13151 3287.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.540s; elapsed,    0.208s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.470s; elapsed,    0.058s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.170s; elapsed,    0.022s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '8 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 6 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,059', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.091068', '#   - matching time = 0.0135081', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00524521', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,059', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0167642', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.12607 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.121722', '#   - factor nonzeros = 890,759', '#   - factor memory = 7.12607 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.2243e+08, min = 3.03207e+07, max = 1.02914e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.82736 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.36424e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.36424e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.05977e-11\trel.res =  6.91666e-16\tbw.error =  1.00432e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0120201', '#   - total flops = 2.71052e+06, min = 467563, max = 853409', '#   - flop rate = 0.225499 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.9803 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.66224 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.13566 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    2.100s; elapsed,    0.268s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    2.110s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    2.110s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.170s; elapsed,    0.272s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    2.100s; elapsed,    0.268s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.100s; elapsed,    0.268s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    2.110s; elapsed,    0.270s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.110s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    2.110s; elapsed,    0.270s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.110s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.540s; elapsed,    0.208s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.170s; elapsed,    0.022s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.470s; elapsed,    0.058s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.170s; elapsed,    0.272s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.350s; elapsed,    0.560s']
mpirun -n 8
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13151 1643.875', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.370s; elapsed,    0.364s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.060s; elapsed,    0.053s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.020s; elapsed,    0.028s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 8 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,059', '#   - number of levels = 66', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0925171', '#   - matching time = 0.0123351', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00547099', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,059', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0149798', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.42935 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.174405', '#   - factor nonzeros = 928,669', '#   - factor memory = 7.42935 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.46999e+08, min = 203065, max = 1.04596e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.41624 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.59517e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.59517e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.14133e-11\trel.res =  7.44898e-16\tbw.error =  1.25235e-14', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.013133', '#   - total flops = 3.47987e+06, min = 18269, max = 845631', '#   - flop rate = 0.26497 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.7676 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.50518 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.176039 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.318s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.320s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.321s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.321s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.321s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.321s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.321s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.323s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.318s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.318s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.321s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.321s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.320s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.320s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.321s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.321s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.321s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.321s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.321s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.321s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.321s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.321s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.370s; elapsed,    0.364s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.020s; elapsed,    0.028s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.060s; elapsed,    0.053s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.323s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.770s; elapsed,    0.768s']
mpirun -n 8
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13151 1643.875', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.272s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.046s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.023s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 8 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,059', '#   - number of levels = 66', '#   - nd time = # ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '0.074728', '#   - matching time = 0.010653', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00514889', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,059', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0134952', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.42935 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.148522', '#   - factor nonzeros = 928,669', '#   - factor memory = 7.42935 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.47008e+08, min = 203065, max = 1.04605e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.66311 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.59517e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.59517e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.13746e-11\trel.res =  7.42368e-16\tbw.error =  1.25235e-14', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0109618', '#   - total flops = 3.47987e+06, min = 18269, max = 845631', '#   - flop rate = 0.317455 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.7761 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.8041 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.175963 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.271s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.271s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.271s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.271s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.271s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.271s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.273s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.271s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.271s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.271s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.271s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.271s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.271s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.270s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.271s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.271s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.271s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.271s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.271s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.271s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.272s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.023s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.046s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.273s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.210s; elapsed,    0.614s']
mpirun -n 8
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13151 1643.875', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.910s; elapsed,    0.235s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.210s; elapsed,    0.054s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.022s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 4 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 5 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 8 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,059', '#   - number of levels = 66', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0929', '#   - matching time = 0.0132482', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00585699', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,059', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.017561', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.42935 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.127258', '#   - factor nonzeros = 928,669', '#   - factor memory = 7.42935 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.47012e+08, min = 204465, max = 1.04605e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.94103 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.59517e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.59517e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.14175e-11\trel.res =  7.45172e-16\tbw.error =  1.25235e-14', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0143731', '#   - total flops = 3.47987e+06, min = 18269, max = 845631', '#   - flop rate = 0.24211 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.787 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.37668 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.175866 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.120s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    1.100s; elapsed,    0.282s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.120s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    1.120s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.283sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    1.120s; elapsed,    0.283s', '', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.160s; elapsed,    0.288s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    1.120s; elapsed,    0.283s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.120s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    1.100s; elapsed,    0.282s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.100s; elapsed,    0.282s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.283s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    1.120s; elapsed,    0.283s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.120s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.120s; elapsed,    0.283s, #calls:   1', 'Exiting profilerTOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.120s; elapsed,    0.283s', '', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.120s; elapsed,    0.283s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.120s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.283s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.910s; elapsed,    0.235s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.022s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.210s; elapsed,    0.054s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.160s; elapsed,    0.288s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.370s; elapsed,    0.599s']
mpirun -n 16
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13151 821.9375', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.390s; elapsed,    0.396s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.058s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.029s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 16 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,059', '#   - number of levels = 65', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0908659', '#   - matching time = 0.013247', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00605607', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,059', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.015811', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.42935 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.146544', '#   - factor nonzeros = 928,669', '#   - factor memory = 7.42935 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.46999e+08, min = 203065, max = 5.38251e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.68549 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.56676e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.56676e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.11213e-11\trel.res =  7.25836e-16\tbw.error =  1.05596e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0142581', '#   - total flops = 4.95377e+06, min = 14159, max = 819300', '#   - flop rate = 0.347434 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 18.7103 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.31225 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.264762 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.292sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.292s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.290s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.295s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.291s', '', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.292s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.292s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.292s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.292sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.293s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.291s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.292s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.292s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.293s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.294s', '', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.297s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.292s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.292s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.290s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.290s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.292s, #calls:   1', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.291s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.291s', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.292s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.292s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.292s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.292s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.292s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.292s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.292s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.294s, #calls:   1', 'Exiting profiler', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.294s', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.292s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.292s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.295s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.295s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.292s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.292s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.293s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.293s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.292s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.292s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.293s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.293s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.291s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.291s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.390s; elapsed,    0.396s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.029s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.058s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.297s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.770s; elapsed,    0.780s']
mpirun -n 16
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '13151 821.9375', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.299s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.054s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.025s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 16 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 13,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 71,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,059', '#   - number of levels = 65', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0939062', '#   - matching time = 0.01335', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00614715', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,059', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.016891', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.42935 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.12631', '#   - factor nonzeros = 928,669', '#   - factor memory = 7.42935 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.47002e+08, min = 203065, max = 5.38279e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.95552 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.56676e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.56676e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.15102e-11\trel.res =  7.51218e-16\tbw.error =   1.0554e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0170059', '#   - total flops = 4.95377e+06, min = 14159, max = 819300', '#   - flop rate = 0.291297 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 18.7152 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.10051 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.264692 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.287s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.286s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.287s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.285s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.286s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.286sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.285s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.285s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.285s', '', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.286s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.286s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.288s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.292s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.287s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.287s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.287s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.287s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.285s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.285s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.285s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.285s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.286s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.286s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.286s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.286s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.284s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.285s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.285s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.286s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.286s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.284s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.284s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.285s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.285s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.286s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.286s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.286s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.286s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.288s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.288s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.299s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.025s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.054s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.292s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.310s; elapsed,    0.669s']
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Bfactor-.csv'])
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 14651.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.920s; elapsed,    0.927s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.223s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.060s; elapsed,    0.065s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.920s; elapsed,    0.927s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.060s; elapsed,    0.065s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.223s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.210s; elapsed,    1.215s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 14651.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.440s; elapsed,    0.736s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.221s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.051s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.440s; elapsed,    0.736s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.051s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.221s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.940s; elapsed,    1.009s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 14651.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.690s; elapsed,    0.441s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.780s; elapsed,    0.236s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.170s; elapsed,    0.049s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.690s; elapsed,    0.441s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.170s; elapsed,    0.049s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.780s; elapsed,    0.236s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.640s; elapsed,    0.725s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 14651.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.540s; elapsed,    0.464s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.560s; elapsed,    0.243s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.040s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.540s; elapsed,    0.464s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.040s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.560s; elapsed,    0.243s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    5.350s; elapsed,    0.747s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 14651.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    6.530s; elapsed,    0.434s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    2.970s; elapsed,    0.255s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.460s; elapsed,    0.040s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    6.530s; elapsed,    0.434s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.460s; elapsed,    0.040s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    2.970s; elapsed,    0.255s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    9.960s; elapsed,    0.729s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 7325.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.990s; elapsed,    0.979s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.236s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.070s; elapsed,    0.068s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', '# using 2 MPI processesCPP -2', '', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 131,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,077', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.#   - nd time = ', '# ******************************************************************', '0.0969272', '#   - matching time = 0.018106', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00695801', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,077', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.022372', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.4217 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.600411', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,177,707', '#   - factor memory = 17.4217 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.08505e+09, min = 2.09373e+08, max = 8.75678e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.80718 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.14259e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.14259e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.62462e-11\trel.res =   1.0032e-15\tbw.error =  1.73909e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.018826', '#   - total flops = 5.3468e+06, min = 1.93797e+06, max = 3.40882e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.284011 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 43.3862 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 2.30459 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.123237 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.760s; elapsed,    0.774s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.780s; elapsed,    0.782s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.760s; elapsed,    0.774s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.760s; elapsed,    0.774s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.990s; elapsed,    0.979s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.070s; elapsed,    0.068s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.236s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.780s; elapsed,    0.782s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.070s; elapsed,    2.065s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 7325.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.220s; elapsed,    0.619s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.231s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.055s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 2 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 131,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,077', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.098866', '#   - matching time = 0.019407', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.007658', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,077', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0257959', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.4217 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.443069', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,177,707', '#   - factor memory = 17.4217 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.0851e+09, min = 2.09373e+08, max = 8.75729e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.44906 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.14259e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.14259e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.55563e-11\trel.res =  9.60601e-16\tbw.error =   1.7363e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0172482', '#   - total flops = 5.34832e+06, min = 1.93797e+06, max = 3.41034e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.310081 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 43.4535 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 2.51931 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.123081 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.230s; elapsed,    0.625s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.240s; elapsed,    0.634s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.230s; elapsed,    0.625s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.230s; elapsed,    0.625s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.220s; elapsed,    0.619s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.055s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.231s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.240s; elapsed,    0.634s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.960s; elapsed,    1.538s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 7325.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.640s; elapsed,    0.428s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.790s; elapsed,    0.237s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.160s; elapsed,    0.049s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 4 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 5 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 2 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 131,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,077', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0974638', '#   - matching time = 0.0189638', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00763202', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,077', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0290601', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.4217 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.313763', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,177,707', '#   - factor memory = 17.4217 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.08511e+09, min = 2.09373e+08, max = 8.75736e+08', '#   - flop rate = 3.45837 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.14259e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.14259e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.55568e-11\trel.res =  9.60632e-16\tbw.error =  1.72833e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0242651', '#   - total flops = 5.34832e+06, min = 1.93797e+06, max = 3.41034e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.220412 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 43.4677 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.79137 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.123041 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.980s; elapsed,    0.505s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.050s; elapsed,    0.514s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.980s; elapsed,    0.505s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.980s; elapsed,    0.505s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.640s; elapsed,    0.428s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.160s; elapsed,    0.049s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.790s; elapsed,    0.237s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.050s; elapsed,    0.514s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.640s; elapsed,    1.228s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 7325.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.190s; elapsed,    0.422s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.540s; elapsed,    0.255s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.042s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 8 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 6 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 2 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 131,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,077', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.109184', '#   - matching time = 0.0204589', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00823522', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,077', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0277951', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.4217 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.353601', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,177,707', '#   - factor memory = 17.4217 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.08515e+09, min = 2.09375e+08, max = 8.75776e+08', '#   - flop rate = 3.06886 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.14259e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.14259e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.56172e-11\trel.res =   9.6436e-16\tbw.error =  1.79793e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0278351', '#   - total flops = 5.34832e+06, min = 1.93797e+06, max = 3.41034e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.192143 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 43.4973 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.56268 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.122957 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    4.440s; elapsed,    0.564s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    4.570s; elapsed,    0.572s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    4.440s; elapsed,    0.564s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.440s; elapsed,    0.564s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.190s; elapsed,    0.422s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.042s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.540s; elapsed,    0.255s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    4.570s; elapsed,    0.572s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    9.550s; elapsed,    1.291s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 7325.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    6.490s; elapsed,    0.436s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    3.040s; elapsed,    0.247s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.460s; elapsed,    0.040s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 16 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 7 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', '# using 2 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 131,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,077', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.110718', '#   - matching time = 0.0465579', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00915909', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,077', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.044347', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.4217 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.378584', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,177,707', '#   - factor memory = 17.4217 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.08516e+09, min = 2.09376e+08, max = 8.75779e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.86635 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.14259e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.14259e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.55885e-11\trel.res =  9.62587e-16\tbw.error =  1.78159e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0291791', '#   - total flops = 5.34832e+06, min = 1.93797e+06, max = 3.41034e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.183293 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 43.5424 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.49225 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.12283 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    9.170s; elapsed,    0.638s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,   10.290s; elapsed,    0.647s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    9.170s; elapsed,    0.638s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    9.170s; elapsed,    0.638s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    6.490s; elapsed,    0.436s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.460s; elapsed,    0.040s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    3.040s; elapsed,    0.247s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,   10.290s; elapsed,    0.647s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,   20.280s; elapsed,    1.370s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 3662.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.040s; elapsed,    1.040s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.249s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.076s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 131,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,077', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.107642', '#   - matching time = 0.0207858', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.010478', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,077', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0208499', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.4217 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.379176', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,177,707', '#   - factor memory = 17.4217 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.08505e+09, min = 1.79002e+08, max = 4.05598e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.8616 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.1396e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.1396e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.61383e-11\trel.res =  9.96538e-16\tbw.error =  1.81756e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0278521', '#   - total flops = 6.70752e+06, min = 1.30999e+06, max = 1.98026e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.240827 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 39.3021 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.4111 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.170665 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.578s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.577s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.572s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.582s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.578s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.578s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.577s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.577s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.572s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.572s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.040s; elapsed,    1.040s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.076s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.249s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.582s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.950s; elapsed,    1.948s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 3662.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.270s; elapsed,    0.646s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.229s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.100s; elapsed,    0.057s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 4 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 131,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,077', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0984101', '#   - matching time = 0.0185878', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00966001', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,077', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.022687', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.4217 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.329532', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,177,707', '#   - factor memory = 17.4217 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.08506e+09, min = 1.79002e+08, max = 4.0561e+08', '#   - flop rate = 3.29274 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.1396e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.1396e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.60231e-11\trel.res =  9.89423e-16\tbw.error =  1.72892e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0164199', '#   - total flops = 6.70752e+06, min = 1.30999e+06, max = 1.98026e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.4085 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 39.3115 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 2.39414 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.170625 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.504s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.508s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.509s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.020s; elapsed,    0.513s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.504s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.504s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.508s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.508s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.509s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.509s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.270s; elapsed,    0.646s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.100s; elapsed,    0.057s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.229s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.020s; elapsed,    0.513s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.800s; elapsed,    1.445s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 3662.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.800s; elapsed,    0.465s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.800s; elapsed,    0.249s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.170s; elapsed,    0.051s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 4 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 5 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 131,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,077', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0988998', '#   - matching time = 0.0194359', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00939083', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,077', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.022419', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.4217 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.333732', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,177,707', '#   - factor memory = 17.4217 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.08506e+09, min = 1.79002e+08, max = 4.05612e+08', '#   - flop rate = 3.2513 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.1396e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.1396e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.60077e-11\trel.res =  9.88473e-16\tbw.error =  1.73483e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0188949', '#   - total flops = 6.70752e+06, min = 1.30999e+06, max = 1.98026e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.354991 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 39.3235 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 2.08117 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.170573 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    2.020s; elapsed,    0.509s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    2.010s; elapsed,    0.513s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    2.030s; elapsed,    0.513s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.070s; elapsed,    0.517s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    2.020s; elapsed,    0.509s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.020s; elapsed,    0.509s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    2.010s; elapsed,    0.513s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.010s; elapsed,    0.513s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    2.030s; elapsed,    0.513s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.030s; elapsed,    0.513s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.800s; elapsed,    0.465s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.170s; elapsed,    0.051s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.800s; elapsed,    0.249s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.070s; elapsed,    0.517s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.840s; elapsed,    1.281s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 3662.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.160s; elapsed,    0.415s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.510s; elapsed,    0.246s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.040s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '8 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 6 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', '# using 4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 131,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,077', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.111128', '#   - matching time = 0.0222631', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.0106661', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,077', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0243969', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.4217 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.364013', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,177,707', '#   - factor memory = 17.4217 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.08507e+09, min = 1.79004e+08, max = 4.05614e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.98086 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.1396e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.1396e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.58963e-11\trel.res =  9.81591e-16\tbw.error =   1.7112e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0280299', '#   - total flops = 6.70752e+06, min = 1.30999e+06, max = 1.98026e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.239299 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 39.3473 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.40376 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.17047 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    4.500s; elapsed,    0.569s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    4.510s; elapsed,    0.572s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    4.520s; elapsed,    0.573s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    4.600s; elapsed,    0.577s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    4.500s; elapsed,    0.569s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.500s; elapsed,    0.569s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    4.510s; elapsed,    0.572s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.510s; elapsed,    0.572s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    4.520s; elapsed,    0.573s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.520s; elapsed,    0.573s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.160s; elapsed,    0.415s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.040s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.510s; elapsed,    0.246s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    4.600s; elapsed,    0.577s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    9.510s; elapsed,    1.278s']
mpirun -n 8
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 1831.375', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.980s; elapsed,    0.988s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.246s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.060s; elapsed,    0.070s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 8 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 131,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,077', '#   - number of levels = 66', '#   - nd time = # ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '0.0969429', '#   - matching time = 0.0183339', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00886297', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,077', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0190101', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.4218 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.343356', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,177,723', '#   - factor memory = 17.4218 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.08505e+09, min = 746150, max = 2.89001e+08', '#   - flop rate = 3.16014 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.13413e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.13413e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.45204e-11\trel.res =  8.96633e-16\tbw.error =  1.36052e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0186291', '#   - total flops = 8.80018e+06, min = 28189, max = 1.89032e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.472389 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 38.099 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 2.04514 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.230982 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.509s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.480s; elapsed,    0.513s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.480s; elapsed,    0.514s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.514s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.513s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.511s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.511s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.518s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.513s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.513s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.480s; elapsed,    0.514s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.480s; elapsed,    0.514s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.514s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.514s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.480s; elapsed,    0.513s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.480s; elapsed,    0.513s', 'Exiting profiler', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.511s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.511s', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.511s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.511s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.509s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.509s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.980s; elapsed,    0.988s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.060s; elapsed,    0.070s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.246s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.518s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.820s; elapsed,    1.822s']
mpirun -n 8
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 1831.375', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.240s; elapsed,    0.625s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.420s; elapsed,    0.243s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.120s; elapsed,    0.063s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 8 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 131,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,077', '#   - number of levels = 66', '#   - nd time = # ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '0.112455', '#   - matching time = 0.0211492', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00980306', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,077', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0229301', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.4218 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.314378', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,177,723', '#   - factor memory = 17.4218 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.08506e+09, min = 746150, max = 2.8901e+08', '#   - flop rate = 3.45145 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.13413e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.13413e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.44024e-11\trel.res =  8.89345e-16\tbw.error =  1.35888e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0194039', '#   - total flops = 8.80018e+06, min = 28189, max = 1.89032e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.453525 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 38.107 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.96388 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.230933 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.513s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.508s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.990s; elapsed,    0.512s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.950s; elapsed,    0.512s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.990s; elapsed,    0.513s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.950s; elapsed,    0.512s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.511s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.020s; elapsed,    0.517s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.513s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.513s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.950s; elapsed,    0.512s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.950s; elapsed,    0.512s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.990s; elapsed,    0.512s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.990s; elapsed,    0.512s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.950s; elapsed,    0.512s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.950s; elapsed,    0.512s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.511s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.511s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.508s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.508s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.990s; elapsed,    0.513s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.990s; elapsed,    0.513s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.240s; elapsed,    0.625s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.120s; elapsed,    0.063s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.420s; elapsed,    0.243s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.020s; elapsed,    0.517s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.800s; elapsed,    1.447s']
mpirun -n 8
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 1831.375', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.670s; elapsed,    0.434s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.800s; elapsed,    0.264s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.180s; elapsed,    0.054s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 4 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 5 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 8 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 131,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,077', '#   - number of levels = 66', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.113922', '#   - matching time = 0.021781', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.0101352', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,077', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.024581', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.4218 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.32277', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,177,723', '#   - factor memory = 17.4218 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.08507e+09, min = 747880, max = 2.89012e+08', '#   - flop rate = 3.36174 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.13413e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.13413e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.43736e-11\trel.res =   8.8757e-16\tbw.error =  1.35593e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.027128', '#   - total flops = 8.80018e+06, min = 28189, max = 1.89032e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.324395 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 38.1167 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.40507 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.230875 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    2.100s; elapsed,    0.533s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.960s; elapsed,    0.533s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    2.040s; elapsed,    0.533s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.940s; elapsed,    0.533s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    1.940s; elapsed,    0.533s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    2.110s; elapsed,    0.533s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    2.110s; elapsed,    0.531s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.130s; elapsed,    0.538s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    2.110s; elapsed,    0.531s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.110s; elapsed,    0.531s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    2.100s; elapsed,    0.533s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.100s; elapsed,    0.533s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    2.040s; elapsed,    0.533s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.040s; elapsed,    0.533s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    2.110s; elapsed,    0.533s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.110s; elapsed,    0.533s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    1.940s; elapsed,    0.533s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.940s; elapsed,    0.533s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.960s; elapsed,    0.533s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.960s; elapsed,    0.533s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.940s; elapsed,    0.533s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.940s; elapsed,    0.533s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.670s; elapsed,    0.434s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.180s; elapsed,    0.054s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.800s; elapsed,    0.264s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.130s; elapsed,    0.538s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.780s; elapsed,    1.290s']
mpirun -n 16
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 915.6875', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    1.112s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.259s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.079s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 16 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 131,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,077', '#   - number of levels = 65', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.112476', '#   - matching time = 0.021364', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00913787', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,077', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.021734', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.4217 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.405566', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,177,707', '#   - factor memory = 17.4217 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.08505e+09, min = 535689, max = 2.85362e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.6754 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.1232e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.1232e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.30996e-11\trel.res =  8.08899e-16\tbw.error =  1.11099e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0186679', '#   - total flops = 1.37536e+07, min = 20884, max = 1.84992e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.736748 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 36.1237 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.93507 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.380735 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.597s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.593s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.599s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.598s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.597s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.599sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.596s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.598s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.598s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.596s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.597s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.596s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.597s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.597s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.597s', '', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.600s; elapsed,    0.602s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.597s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.597s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.597s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.597s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.599s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.599s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.593s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.593s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.599s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.599s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.596s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.596s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.598s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.598s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.598s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.598s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.597s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.597s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.596s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.596s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.598s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.598s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.597s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.597s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.597s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.597s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.597s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.597s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.596s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.596s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    1.112s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.079s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.259s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.600s; elapsed,    0.602s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.050s; elapsed,    2.052s']
mpirun -n 16
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 915.6875', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.330s; elapsed,    0.679s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.235s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.061s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 16 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 131,959', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,077', '#   - number of levels = 65', '#   - nd time = # ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '0.11895', '#   - matching time = 0.0219691', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.011755', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,077', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0258489', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 17.4217 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.350025', '#   - factor nonzeros = 2,177,707', '#   - factor memory = 17.4217 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.08505e+09, min = 535689, max = 2.85362e+08', '#   - flop rate = 3.09993 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 1.1232e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 1.1232e+09', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =      16194.4\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.30501e-11\trel.res =   8.0584e-16\tbw.error =  1.07391e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.020859', '#   - total flops = 1.37536e+07, min = 20884, max = 1.84992e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.659358 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 36.1289 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.73206 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.38068 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    1.100s; elapsed,    0.562s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.564s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.030s; elapsed,    0.564s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    1.030s; elapsed,    0.564s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.562s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.030s; elapsed,    0.565s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.563s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    1.040s; elapsed,    0.562s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.562s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.565s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.562s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.558s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.563s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.563s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.562s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.140s; elapsed,    0.569s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.565s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.000s; elapsed,    0.565s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.030s; elapsed,    0.565s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.030s; elapsed,    0.565s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    1.100s; elapsed,    0.562s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.100s; elapsed,    0.562s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.562s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.562s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.030s; elapsed,    0.564s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.030s; elapsed,    0.564s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    1.040s; elapsed,    0.562s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.040s; elapsed,    0.562s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    1.030s; elapsed,    0.564s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.030s; elapsed,    0.564s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.562s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.562sExiting profiler', '', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.563s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.563s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.562s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.562s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.564s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.564s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.558s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.558s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.563s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.563s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.563s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.563s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.562s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.562s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.330s; elapsed,    0.679s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.061s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.235s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.140s; elapsed,    0.569s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.990s; elapsed,    1.545s']
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Deff-.csv'])
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 14651.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.330s; elapsed,    0.328s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.047s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.020s; elapsed,    0.026s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.330s; elapsed,    0.328s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.020s; elapsed,    0.026s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.047s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.400s; elapsed,    0.401s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 14651.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.292s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.055s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.021s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.292s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.021s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.055s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.730s; elapsed,    0.367s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 14651.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.760s; elapsed,    0.198s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.200s; elapsed,    0.052s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.021s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.760s; elapsed,    0.198s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.021s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.200s; elapsed,    0.052s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.271s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 14651.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.570s; elapsed,    0.209s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.670s; elapsed,    0.085s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.200s; elapsed,    0.025s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.570s; elapsed,    0.209s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.200s; elapsed,    0.025s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.670s; elapsed,    0.085s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.440s; elapsed,    0.319s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 14651.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.260s; elapsed,    0.222s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.810s; elapsed,    0.051s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.020s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.260s; elapsed,    0.222s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.020s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.810s; elapsed,    0.051s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.380s; elapsed,    0.293s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 7325.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.350s; elapsed,    0.355s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.049s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.027s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', '# using 2 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,085', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,#   - nd time = ', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '0.0857291', '#   - matching time = 0.0113728', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00339007', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,085', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.014513', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.16826 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.188344', '#   - factor nonzeros = 896,033', '#   - factor memory = 7.16826 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.94418e+08, min = 3.11578e+07, max = 1.6326e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.03225 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.08278e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.08278e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.17207e-11\trel.res =  7.64957e-16\tbw.error =  1.74155e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.011441', '#   - total flops = 2.3455e+06, min = 815211, max = 1.53029e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.205009 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.3766 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.86842 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.109723 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.321s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.327s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.321s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.321s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.350s; elapsed,    0.355s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.027s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.049s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.327s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.750s; elapsed,    0.757s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 7325.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.258s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.100s; elapsed,    0.051s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.022s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 2 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,085', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0874209', '#   - matching time = 0.011538', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00375485', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,085', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.016063', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.16826 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.117243', '#   - factor nonzeros = 896,033', '#   - factor memory = 7.16826 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.94441e+08, min = 3.11578e+07, max = 1.63283e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.65844 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.08278e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.08278e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.15192e-11\trel.res =   7.5181e-16\tbw.error =  1.67704e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.012059', '#   - total flops = 2.3455e+06, min = 815211, max = 1.53029e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.194503 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.3893 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.77372 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.109658 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.510s; elapsed,    0.259s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.264s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.510s; elapsed,    0.259s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.510s; elapsed,    0.259s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.258s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.022s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.100s; elapsed,    0.051s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.264s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.170s; elapsed,    0.595s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 7325.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.910s; elapsed,    0.241s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.190s; elapsed,    0.050s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.020s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 4 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 5 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', '# using 2 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,085', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.08599', '#   - matching time = 0.0115731', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00373721', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,085', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0202341', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.16826 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.141523', '#   - factor nonzeros = 896,033', '#   - factor memory = 7.16826 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.94443e+08, min = 3.11578e+07, max = 1.63285e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.37393 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.08278e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.08278e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.14358e-11\trel.res =  7.46362e-16\tbw.error =  1.67704e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0101039', '#   - total flops = 2.3455e+06, min = 815211, max = 1.53029e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.232138 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.4055 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 2.11853 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.109575 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.100s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.160s; elapsed,    0.289s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.100s; elapsed,    0.283s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.100s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.910s; elapsed,    0.241s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.020s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.190s; elapsed,    0.050s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.160s; elapsed,    0.289s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.340s; elapsed,    0.599s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 7325.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.540s; elapsed,    0.207s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.450s; elapsed,    0.057s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.180s; elapsed,    0.022s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 8 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 6 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', '# using 2 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,085', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '#   - nd time = # (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '0.098012', '#   - matching time = 0.0135651', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00437188', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,085', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.022089', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.16826 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.103098', '#   - factor nonzeros = 896,033', '#   - factor memory = 7.16826 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.94446e+08, min = 3.11596e+07, max = 1.63286e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.88603 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.08278e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.08278e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =   1.1387e-11\trel.res =  7.43176e-16\tbw.error =  1.64769e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.012013', '#   - total flops = 2.3455e+06, min = 815211, max = 1.53029e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.195248 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.418 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.78291 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.109511 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    2.070s; elapsed,    0.265s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.170s; elapsed,    0.272s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    2.070s; elapsed,    0.265s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.070s; elapsed,    0.265s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.540s; elapsed,    0.207s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.180s; elapsed,    0.022s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.450s; elapsed,    0.057s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.170s; elapsed,    0.272s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.340s; elapsed,    0.557s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 7325.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.270s; elapsed,    0.222s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.840s; elapsed,    0.053s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.330s; elapsed,    0.021s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 16 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 7 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', '# using 2 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,085', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0988491', '#   - matching time = 0.0174532', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00879812', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,085', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.02373', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.16826 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.105458', '#   - factor nonzeros = 896,033', '#   - factor memory = 7.16826 MB', '#   - total flops = 1.94449e+08, min = 3.11613e+07, max = 1.63288e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.84385 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.08278e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.08278e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =   1.1385e-11\trel.res =  7.43046e-16\tbw.error =  1.64769e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.012285', '#   - total flops = 2.3455e+06, min = 815211, max = 1.53029e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.190924 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.4212 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.74369 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.109494 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    3.980s; elapsed,    0.280s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    4.700s; elapsed,    0.294s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    3.980s; elapsed,    0.280s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    3.980s; elapsed,    0.280s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.270s; elapsed,    0.222s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.330s; elapsed,    0.021s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.840s; elapsed,    0.053s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    4.700s; elapsed,    0.294s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    9.140s; elapsed,    0.589s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 3662.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.380s; elapsed,    0.373s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.054s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.029s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,085', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0945191', '#   - matching time = 0.012991', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00453901', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,085', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0130851', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.29695 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.106418', '#   - factor nonzeros = 912,119', '#   - factor memory = 7.29695 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.03201e+08, min = 3.14439e+07, max = 8.73785e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.90946 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.1638e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.1638e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.06571e-11\trel.res =  6.95539e-16\tbw.error =  1.13009e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0123899', '#   - total flops = 2.7707e+06, min = 524653, max = 800713', '#   - flop rate = 0.223626 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 20.2222 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.63215 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.137013 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.248s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.250s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.250s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.254s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.250s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.250s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.250s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.250s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.248s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.248s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.380s; elapsed,    0.373s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.029s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.054s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.254s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.700s; elapsed,    0.710s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 3662.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.268s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.100s; elapsed,    0.049s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.023s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 4 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,085', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.086524', '#   - matching time = 0.0118148', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.0049181', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,085', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.013422', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.29695 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.102518', '#   - factor nonzeros = 912,119', '#   - factor memory = 7.29695 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.03205e+08, min = 3.14439e+07, max = 8.73825e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.98214 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.1638e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.1638e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.03211e-11\trel.res =  6.73609e-16\tbw.error =  1.13009e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0115921', '#   - total flops = 2.7707e+06, min = 524653, max = 800713', '#   - flop rate = 0.239016 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 20.2271 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.7449 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.13698 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.460s; elapsed,    0.239s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.460s; elapsed,    0.240s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.460s; elapsed,    0.241s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.480s; elapsed,    0.244s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.460s; elapsed,    0.241s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.460s; elapsed,    0.241s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.460s; elapsed,    0.240s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.460s; elapsed,    0.240s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.460s; elapsed,    0.239s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.460s; elapsed,    0.239s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.268s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.023s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.100s; elapsed,    0.049s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.480s; elapsed,    0.244s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.140s; elapsed,    0.584s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 3662.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.790s; elapsed,    0.210s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.057s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.022s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 4 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 5 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,085', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '#   - nd time = # (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '0.0965018', '#   - matching time = 0.0133011', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00562', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,085', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0159009', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.29695 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.130877', '#   - factor nonzeros = 912,119', '#   - factor memory = 7.29695 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.03205e+08, min = 3.14439e+07, max = 8.73825e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.55264 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.1638e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.1638e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.03158e-11\trel.res =  6.73267e-16\tbw.error =  1.13009e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.010844', '#   - total flops = 2.7707e+06, min = 524653, max = 800713', '#   - flop rate = 0.255506 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 20.2303 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.86558 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.136958 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.281s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.100s; elapsed,    0.280s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.120s; elapsed,    0.282s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.140s; elapsed,    0.286s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.281s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.281s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.120s; elapsed,    0.282s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.120s; elapsed,    0.282s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.100s; elapsed,    0.280s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.100s; elapsed,    0.280s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.790s; elapsed,    0.210s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.022s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.057s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.140s; elapsed,    0.286s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.250s; elapsed,    0.575s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 3662.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.820s; elapsed,    0.243s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.430s; elapsed,    0.054s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.170s; elapsed,    0.022s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 8 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 6 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,085', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0979559', '#   - matching time = 0.0155511', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00563693', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,085', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0169358', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.29695 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.123922', '#   - factor nonzeros = 912,119', '#   - factor memory = 7.29695 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.03211e+08, min = 3.14458e+07, max = 8.73836e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.63983 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.1638e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.1638e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.01573e-11\trel.res =  6.62922e-16\tbw.error =  1.13691e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0123491', '#   - total flops = 2.7707e+06, min = 524653, max = 800713', '#   - flop rate = 0.224364 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 20.2308 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.63823 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.136955 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    2.210s; elapsed,    0.281s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    2.200s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    2.210s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.300s; elapsed,    0.288s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    2.210s; elapsed,    0.281s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.210s; elapsed,    0.281s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    2.200s; elapsed,    0.283s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.200s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    2.210s; elapsed,    0.284s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.210s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.820s; elapsed,    0.243s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.170s; elapsed,    0.022s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.430s; elapsed,    0.054s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.300s; elapsed,    0.288s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.720s; elapsed,    0.607s']
mpirun -n 8
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 1831.375', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.390s; elapsed,    0.397s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.054s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.030s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 8 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,089', '#   - number of levels = 66', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0957708', '#   - matching time = 0.0131218', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00344801', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,089', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.013046', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.52468 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.135299', '#   - factor nonzeros = 940,585', '#   - factor memory = 7.52468 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.24119e+08, min = 137603, max = 6.09266e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.65647 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.35469e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.35469e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =   1.0651e-11\trel.res =  6.95146e-16\tbw.error =  2.45888e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0128808', '#   - total flops = 3.85024e+06, min = 18068, max = 796233', '#   - flop rate = 0.298913 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.5066 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.51439 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.197382 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.278s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.277s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.280s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.278s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.279s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.278s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.278s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.278s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.278s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.278s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.278s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.278s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.278s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.280s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.280s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.278s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.278s', 'Exiting profiler', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.279s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.279s', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.277s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.277s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.390s; elapsed,    0.397s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.030s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.054s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.283s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.760s; elapsed,    0.764s']
mpirun -n 8
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 1831.375', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.304s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.120s; elapsed,    0.055s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.024s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 8 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,089', '#   - number of levels = 66', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '#   - nd time = # ******************************************************************', '0.100895', '#   - matching time = 0.013808', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00407505', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,089', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0142319', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.52468 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.115712', '#   - factor nonzeros = 940,585', '#   - factor memory = 7.52468 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.24122e+08, min = 137603, max = 6.09266e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.93689 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.35469e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.35469e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.02036e-11\trel.res =  6.65946e-16\tbw.error =  2.45888e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.011698', '#   - total flops = 3.85024e+06, min = 18068, max = 796233', '#   - flop rate = 0.329137 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.5114 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.66792 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.197334 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.268s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.269s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.270sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.271s', '', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.275s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.270s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.270s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.269s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.269s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.271s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.271s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.268s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.268s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.270s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.270s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.520s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.304s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.024s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.120s; elapsed,    0.055s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.275s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.300s; elapsed,    0.658s']
mpirun -n 8
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 1831.375', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.263s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.062s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.022s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 4 OpenMP threadsCPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '', '# number of tasking levels = 5 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 8 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,089', '#   - number of levels = 66', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.10383', '#   - matching time = 0.014713', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00537801', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,089', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0157418', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.52468 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.110168', '#   - factor nonzeros = 940,585', '#   - factor memory = 7.52468 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.24127e+08, min = 139438, max = 6.09266e+07', '#   - flop rate = 2.0344 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.35469e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.35469e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.02458e-11\trel.res =  6.68696e-16\tbw.error =  2.45888e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0115292', '#   - total flops = 3.85024e+06, min = 18068, max = 796233', '#   - flop rate = 0.333956 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.513 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.69248 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.197317 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.280s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.273s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.279s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.278s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.278s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.279s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.279s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.130s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.280s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.280s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.278s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.278s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.273s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.273s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.279s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.279s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.279s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.279s', 'Exiting profilerExiting profiler', '', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.279s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.279s', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.278s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.278s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.010s; elapsed,    0.263s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.022s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.062s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.130s; elapsed,    0.284s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.470s; elapsed,    0.631s']
mpirun -n 16
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 915.6875', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.400s; elapsed,    0.401s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.056s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.031s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 16 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,089', '#   - number of levels = 65', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.100725', '#   - matching time = 0.0137949', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00394702', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,089', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0161221', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.52468 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.151953', '#   - factor nonzeros = 940,585', '#   - factor memory = 7.52468 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.24119e+08, min = 137603, max = 5.97816e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.47492 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.32465e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.32465e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =   1.0008e-11\trel.res =  6.53181e-16\tbw.error =  1.63926e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0140429', '#   - total flops = 5.89424e+06, min = 13488, max = 780496', '#   - flop rate = 0.419732 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 18.6028 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.32472 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.316846 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.311s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.313s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.311s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.312s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.312s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.311s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.310s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.313s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.312s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.311s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.311s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.312s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.311sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.311s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.312s', '', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.317s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.312s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.312s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.311s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.311s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.312s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.312s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.311s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.311s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.310s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.310s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.311s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.311s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.313s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.313s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.312s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.312s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.312s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.312s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.311s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.311s', 'Exiting profilerExiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.312s, #calls:   1', '', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.312s', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.311s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.311s', 'Exiting profilerExiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.311s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.311s', '', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.313s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.313s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.311s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.311s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.400s; elapsed,    0.401s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.031s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.056s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.310s; elapsed,    0.317s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.790s; elapsed,    0.805s']
mpirun -n 16
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14651 915.6875', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.276s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.059s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.070s; elapsed,    0.027s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 16 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,651', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,805', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,089', '#   - number of levels = 65', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************#   - nd time = ', '0.1058', '#   - matching time = 0.0145051', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00408411', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,089', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.016897', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.52468 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.120029', '#   - factor nonzeros = 940,585', '#   - factor memory = 7.52468 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.24121e+08, min = 137603, max = 5.97816e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.86722 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.32465e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.32465e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =   1.0169e-11\trel.res =  6.63682e-16\tbw.error =  1.63926e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.011342', '#   - total flops = 5.89424e+06, min = 13488, max = 780496', '#   - flop rate = 0.51968 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 18.6044 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.6403 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.31682 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.285s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.282s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.282s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.285s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.289s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.285s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.285s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.284s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.282s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.282s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.285s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.285s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.283s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.283s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.284s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.283s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.282s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.282s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.284s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.283s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.284s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.550s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.284s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.284s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.283s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.560s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.276s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.070s; elapsed,    0.027s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.059s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.580s; elapsed,    0.289s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.300s; elapsed,    0.651s']
Data Set Name:=strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-
set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-/A_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-.csv']) set(['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/feb_sprint/sam/samosa/step4K_samosa_debug_1k/out_strumpack_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-/b_strum_1k_omp1_paramslevmar.parameter_flags=Rxy-levmar.parameter_flags=Eta-.csv'])
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 14151.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.330s; elapsed,    0.328s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.047s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.025s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.330s; elapsed,    0.328s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.025s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.047s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.400s; elapsed,    0.401s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 14151.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.246s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.047s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.023s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.246s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.023s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.047s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.620s; elapsed,    0.316s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 14151.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.730s; elapsed,    0.194s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.210s; elapsed,    0.050s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.021s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.730s; elapsed,    0.194s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.080s; elapsed,    0.021s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.210s; elapsed,    0.050s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.020s; elapsed,    0.264s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 14151.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.450s; elapsed,    0.193s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.052s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.160s; elapsed,    0.020s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.450s; elapsed,    0.193s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.160s; elapsed,    0.020s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.052s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.020s; elapsed,    0.264s']
mpirun -n 1
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 14151.0', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.200s; elapsed,    0.218s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.068s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.390s; elapsed,    0.024s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.200s; elapsed,    0.218s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.390s; elapsed,    0.024s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.090s; elapsed,    0.068s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.680s; elapsed,    0.310s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 7075.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.321s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.047s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.020s; elapsed,    0.025s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', '# using 2 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************#   - nd time = ', '0.076623', '#   - matching time = 0.0108061', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00413513', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.014225', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.70359 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.186975', '#   - factor nonzeros = 962,949', '#   - factor memory = 7.70359 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.49112e+08, min = 3.46562e+07, max = 2.14456e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.33233 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.63271e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.63271e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =   1.1079e-11\trel.res =  7.23077e-16\tbw.error =  1.25632e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.011647', '#   - total flops = 2.47602e+06, min = 838849, max = 1.63717e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.212589 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.8361 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.87483 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.113391 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.311s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.318s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.311s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.311s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.321s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.020s; elapsed,    0.025s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.047s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.318s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.710s; elapsed,    0.712s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 7075.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.254s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.049s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.023s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 2 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0840979', '#   - matching time = 0.0117409', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00390196', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0169139', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.70359 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.11983', '#   - factor nonzeros = 962,949', '#   - factor memory = 7.70359 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.49139e+08, min = 3.46562e+07, max = 2.14483e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.07911 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.63271e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.63271e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.04075e-11\trel.res =  6.79254e-16\tbw.error =  1.20867e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.012692', '#   - total flops = 2.47602e+06, min = 838849, max = 1.63717e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.195085 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.8492 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.7215 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.113323 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.510s; elapsed,    0.259s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.266s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.510s; elapsed,    0.259s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.510s; elapsed,    0.259s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.254s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.023s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.049s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.540s; elapsed,    0.266s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.180s; elapsed,    0.592s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 7075.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.200s; elapsed,    0.312s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.220s; elapsed,    0.055s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.021s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 4 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 5 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', '# using 2 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '#   - nd time = # (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '0.0953259', '#   - matching time = 0.012867', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00445414', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0206342', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.70359 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.0949342', '#   - factor nonzeros = 962,949', '#   - factor memory = 7.70359 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.49144e+08, min = 3.46562e+07, max = 2.14488e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.62439 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.63271e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.63271e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.02827e-11\trel.res =  6.71106e-16\tbw.error =  1.20855e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0111341', '#   - total flops = 2.47602e+06, min = 838849, max = 1.63717e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.22238 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.8668 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.96394 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.113232 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.990s; elapsed,    0.250s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.030s; elapsed,    0.257s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.990s; elapsed,    0.250s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.990s; elapsed,    0.250s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.200s; elapsed,    0.312s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.021s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.220s; elapsed,    0.055s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.030s; elapsed,    0.257s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.540s; elapsed,    0.645s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 7075.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.670s; elapsed,    0.222s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.051s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.170s; elapsed,    0.020s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 8 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 6 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', '# using 2 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 68', '#   - nd time = # ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '0.08389', '#   - matching time = 0.012392', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00386405', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0180838', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.70359 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.100795', '#   - factor nonzeros = 962,949', '#   - factor memory = 7.70359 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.49146e+08, min = 3.46578e+07, max = 2.14488e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.47181 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.63271e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.63271e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.00272e-11\trel.res =  6.54433e-16\tbw.error =   1.2116e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0104201', '#   - total flops = 2.47602e+06, min = 838849, max = 1.63717e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.23762 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.8836 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 2.10014 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.113145 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.900s; elapsed,    0.241s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.940s; elapsed,    0.243s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.900s; elapsed,    0.241s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.900s; elapsed,    0.241s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.670s; elapsed,    0.222s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.170s; elapsed,    0.020s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.051s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.940s; elapsed,    0.243s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.190s; elapsed,    0.537s']
mpirun -n 2
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 7075.5', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.750s; elapsed,    0.253s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.570s; elapsed,    0.098s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.026s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 16 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 7 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', '# using 2 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 68', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.095108', '#   - matching time = 0.0149369', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00495195', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0240209', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.70359 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.107529', '#   - factor nonzeros = 962,949', '#   - factor memory = 7.70359 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.49152e+08, min = 3.46594e+07, max = 2.14492e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.31706 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.63271e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.63271e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.00817e-11\trel.res =  6.57988e-16\tbw.error =   1.2116e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.011657', '#   - total flops = 2.47602e+06, min = 838849, max = 1.63717e+06', '#   - flop rate = 0.212406 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 21.8961 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.87837 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.11308 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    4.140s; elapsed,    0.269s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    4.380s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    4.140s; elapsed,    0.269s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.140s; elapsed,    0.269s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    3.750s; elapsed,    0.253s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.410s; elapsed,    0.026s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    1.570s; elapsed,    0.098s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    4.380s; elapsed,    0.274s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,   10.110s; elapsed,    0.650s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 3537.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.370s; elapsed,    0.370s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.060s; elapsed,    0.054s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.029s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', '# using 4CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', ' MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.0932651', '#   - matching time = 0.0127902', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00439405', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0129809', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.71692 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.146585', '#   - factor nonzeros = 964,615', '#   - factor memory = 7.71692 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.5035e+08, min = 2.90159e+07, max = 1.34565e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.70788 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.63777e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.63777e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.13122e-11\trel.res =    7.383e-16\tbw.error =  2.51177e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0131218', '#   - total flops = 2.86909e+06, min = 493941, max = 897810', '#   - flop rate = 0.21865 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 20.6003 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.56992 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.139274 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.287s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.289s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.290s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.293s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.290s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.290s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.289s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.289s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.287s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.287s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.370s; elapsed,    0.370s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.029s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.060s; elapsed,    0.054s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.293s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.740s; elapsed,    0.746s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 3537.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.276s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.054s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.023s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.094069', '#   - matching time = 0.0131409', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00549698', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0154889', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.71692 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.097012', '#   - factor nonzeros = 964,615', '#   - factor memory = 7.71692 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.50361e+08, min = 2.90159e+07, max = 1.34577e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.58073 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.63777e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.63777e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.13019e-11\trel.res =  7.37623e-16\tbw.error =  2.51177e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.011322', '#   - total flops = 2.86909e+06, min = 493941, max = 897810', '#   - flop rate = 0.253408 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 20.6104 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.82038 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.139206 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.480s; elapsed,    0.245s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.480s; elapsed,    0.247s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.249s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.252s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.480s; elapsed,    0.247s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.480s; elapsed,    0.247s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.480s; elapsed,    0.245s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.480s; elapsed,    0.245s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.249s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.490s; elapsed,    0.249s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.530s; elapsed,    0.276s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.040s; elapsed,    0.023s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.054s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.500s; elapsed,    0.252s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.180s; elapsed,    0.605s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 3537.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.860s; elapsed,    0.227s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.073s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.023s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 4 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 5 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.095171', '#   - matching time = 0.013761', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.005826', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0149691', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.71692 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.133696', '#   - factor nonzeros = 964,615', '#   - factor memory = 7.71692 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.50364e+08, min = 2.90159e+07, max = 1.34579e+08', '#   - flop rate = 1.87263 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.63777e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.63777e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.12775e-11\trel.res =   7.3603e-16\tbw.error =  2.51177e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0121679', '#   - total flops = 2.86909e+06, min = 493941, max = 897810', '#   - flop rate = 0.235791 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 20.623 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.69486 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.139121 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.120s; elapsed,    0.286s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.130s; elapsed,    0.285s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.160s; elapsed,    0.289s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.283s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.120s; elapsed,    0.286s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.120s; elapsed,    0.286s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.130s; elapsed,    0.285s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.130s; elapsed,    0.285s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.860s; elapsed,    0.227s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.023s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.073s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.160s; elapsed,    0.289s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.400s; elapsed,    0.612s']
mpirun -n 4
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 3537.75', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.930s; elapsed,    0.256s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.470s; elapsed,    0.060s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.180s; elapsed,    0.021s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 8 OpenMP threadsCPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '', '# number of tasking levels = 6 = log_2(#threads) + 3', '# using 4 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 67', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.098124', '#   - matching time = 0.014226', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.0075109', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0177991', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.71692 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.122007', '#   - factor nonzeros = 964,615', '#   - factor memory = 7.71692 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.50371e+08, min = 2.90175e+07, max = 1.34581e+08', '#   - flop rate = 2.0521 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.63777e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.63777e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.13334e-11\trel.res =   7.3968e-16\tbw.error =  2.51177e-15', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0131922', '#   - total flops = 2.86909e+06, min = 493941, max = 897810', '#   - flop rate = 0.217484 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 20.6319 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.56395 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.139061 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    2.240s; elapsed,    0.286s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    2.230s; elapsed,    0.283sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    2.220s; elapsed,    0.284s', '', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.290s; elapsed,    0.289s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    2.240s; elapsed,    0.286s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.240s; elapsed,    0.286s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    2.230s; elapsed,    0.283s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.230s; elapsed,    0.283s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    2.220s; elapsed,    0.284s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.220s; elapsed,    0.284s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    1.930s; elapsed,    0.256s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.180s; elapsed,    0.021s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.470s; elapsed,    0.060s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    2.290s; elapsed,    0.289s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    4.870s; elapsed,    0.626s']
mpirun -n 8
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 1768.875', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.390s; elapsed,    0.382s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.054s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.029s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 8 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 66', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.092463', '#   - matching time = 0.0130241', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00567818', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0138922', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.6429 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.122361', '#   - factor nonzeros = 955,363', '#   - factor memory = 7.6429 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.43618e+08, min = 181487, max = 9.78935e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.99098 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.55532e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.55532e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  9.95445e-12\trel.res =  6.49683e-16\tbw.error =  8.94762e-16', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.0157862', '#   - total flops = 3.54215e+06, min = 18825, max = 800361', '#   - flop rate = 0.224383 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.924 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.26212 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.177783 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.268s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.271s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.271s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.269s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.271s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.271s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.268s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.268s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.270s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.271s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.271s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.269s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.240s; elapsed,    0.269s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.270s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.270s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.260s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.390s; elapsed,    0.382s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.029s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.054s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.274s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.750s; elapsed,    0.739s']
mpirun -n 8
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 1768.875', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.293s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.054s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.026s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 2 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 4 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 8 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 66', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.095938', '#   - matching time = 0.0134561', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.011538', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0161731', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.6429 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.1486', '#   - factor nonzeros = 955,363', '#   - factor memory = 7.6429 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.43625e+08, min = 181487, max = 9.79012e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.63947 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.55532e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.55532e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  9.96659e-12\trel.res =  6.50475e-16\tbw.error =  8.85161e-16', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.012501', '#   - total flops = 3.54215e+06, min = 18825, max = 800361', '#   - flop rate = 0.283349 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.9308 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.59433 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.177722 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.309s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.610s; elapsed,    0.309s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.600s; elapsed,    0.310s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.600s; elapsed,    0.310s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.610s; elapsed,    0.310s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.610s; elapsed,    0.310s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.600s; elapsed,    0.309s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.630s; elapsed,    0.315s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.610s; elapsed,    0.309s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.610s; elapsed,    0.309s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.600s; elapsed,    0.310s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.600s; elapsed,    0.310s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.610s; elapsed,    0.310s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.610s; elapsed,    0.310s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.610s; elapsed,    0.310s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.610s; elapsed,    0.310s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.600s; elapsed,    0.310s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.600s; elapsed,    0.310s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.600s; elapsed,    0.309s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.600s; elapsed,    0.309s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.309s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.590s; elapsed,    0.309s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.570s; elapsed,    0.293s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.050s; elapsed,    0.026s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.110s; elapsed,    0.054s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.630s; elapsed,    0.315s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.360s; elapsed,    0.687s']
mpirun -n 8
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 1768.875', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.940s; elapsed,    0.247s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.059s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.023s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 4 OpenMP threads', '# number of tasking levels = 5 = log_2(#threads) + 3', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 8 MPI processes', 'CPP -2', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 66', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.#   - nd time = ', '# ******************************************************************', '0.096673', '#   - matching time = 0.0141649', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00667596', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0191431', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.6429 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.11052', '#   - factor nonzeros = 955,363', '#   - factor memory = 7.6429 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.43632e+08, min = 183182, max = 9.79029e+07', '#   - flop rate = 2.20442 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.55532e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.55532e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  9.72427e-12\trel.res =   6.3466e-16\tbw.error =  8.82623e-16', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.014473', '#   - total flops = 3.54215e+06, min = 18825, max = 800361', '#   - flop rate = 0.244742 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 19.9395 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 1.37771 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.177644 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.277s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.279sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.060s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.277s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.275s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.275s', '', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.281s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.279s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.080s; elapsed,    0.279s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.277s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.277s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.277s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.277s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.275s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.275s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.274s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.050s; elapsed,    0.274s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    1.060s; elapsed,    0.270s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.060s; elapsed,    0.270s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.275s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    1.070s; elapsed,    0.275s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.940s; elapsed,    0.247s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.090s; elapsed,    0.023s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.230s; elapsed,    0.059s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    1.110s; elapsed,    0.281s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    2.370s; elapsed,    0.610s']
mpirun -n 16
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '14151 884.4375', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.390s; elapsed,    0.394s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.060s; elapsed,    0.056s', 'individual call time for EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.029s', 'CPP -2', '# Initializing STRUMPACK', '# using 1 OpenMP thread', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', 'CPP -2', '# using 16 MPI processes', '# matching job: maximum matching with row and column scaling', '# initial matrix:', '#   - number of unknowns = 14,151', '#   - number of nonzeros = 72,305', '# nested dissection reordering:', '#   - Scotch reordering', '#   - strategy parameter = 8', '#   - number of separators = 4,075', '#   - number of levels = 65', '# ***** WARNING ****************************************************', '# Detected a large number of levels in the frontal/elimination tree.', '# STRUMPACK currently does not handle this safely, which', '# could lead to segmentation faults due to stack overflows.', '# As a remedy, you can try to increase the stack size,', '# or try a different ordering (metis, scotch, ..).', '# When using metis, it often helps to use --sp_enable_METIS_NodeNDP,', '# (enabled by default) iso --sp_enable_METIS_NodeND.', '# ******************************************************************', '#   - nd time = 0.093646', '#   - matching time = 0.0131981', '#   - symmetrization time = 0.00600481', '# symbolic factorization:', '#   - nr of dense Frontal matrices = 4,075', '#   - nr of HSS Frontal matrices = 0', '#   - symb-factor time = 0.0146019', '# multifrontal factorization:', '#   - estimated memory usage (exact solver) = 7.6429 MB', '#   - factor time = 0.164273', '#   - factor nonzeros = 955,363', '#   - factor memory = 7.6429 MB', '#   - total flops = 2.43618e+08, min = 178295, max = 4.76965e+07', '#   - flop rate = 1.483 GFlop/s', '#   - factor memory/nonzeros = 100 % of multifrontal', '#   - maximum HSS rank = 0', '#   - HSS compression = false', '#   - relative compression tolerance = 0.01', '#   - absolute compression tolerance = 1e-08', '#   - normal(0,1) distribution with minstd_rand engine', '', '# ----- FLOP BREAKDOWN ---------------------', '# compression           = 0', '#    random             = 0', '#    ID                 = 0', '#    QR                 = 0', '#    ortho              = 0', '#    reduce_samples     = 0', '#    update_samples     = 0', '#    extraction         = 0', '#    sampling           = 0', '#       CB_sample       = 0', '#       sparse_sampling = 0', '# ULV_factor            = 0', '# Schur                 = 0', '# full_rank             = 2.52727e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '# total                 = 2.52727e+08', '# --------------------------------------------', '', 'REFINEMENT it. 0\tres =        15322\trel.res =            1\tbw.error =            1', 'REFINEMENT it. 1\tres =  1.03051e-11\trel.res =  6.72566e-16\tbw.error =  9.34049e-16', '# DIRECT/GMRES solve:', '#   - abs_tol = 1e-10, rel_tol = 1e-06, restart = 30, maxit = 5000', '#   - number of Krylov iterations = 1', '#   - solve time = 0.020925', '#   - total flops = 5.0589e+06, min = 14405, max = 774758', '#   - flop rate = 0.241763 GFlop/s', '#   - bytes moved = 18.8309 MB, min = 0 MB, max = 0 MB', '#   - byte rate = 0.899922 GByte/s', '#   - solve arithmetic intensity = 0.268649 flop/byte', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.321s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.322s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.322sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.325s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.323s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.323s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.321s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.323s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.330s; elapsed,    0.323s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.323s', '', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.322s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.322s', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.322sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.323sindividual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.324s', '', '', 'individual call time for STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.329s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=12: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.323s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.323s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=9: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.325s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.325s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=4: CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.322s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.280s; elapsed,    0.322s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=6: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.321s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.321s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=10: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.323s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.323s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=3: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.322s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.322s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=15: CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.321s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.250s; elapsed,    0.321s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=5: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.323s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.323s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=1: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.324s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.324s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=7: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.322s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.322s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=11: CPU,    0.330s; elapsed,    0.323s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.330s; elapsed,    0.323s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=14: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.323s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.323s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for     STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=13: CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.322s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.290s; elapsed,    0.322s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=2: CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.322s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.300s; elapsed,    0.322s', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=8: CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.323s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.270s; elapsed,    0.323s', 'Strumpack solutions agree with Eigen', 'Exiting profiler', 'time for                  STRUMPACK_OMP: CPU,    0.390s; elapsed,    0.394s, #calls:   1', 'time for                 EIGEN_BICGSTAB: CPU,    0.030s; elapsed,    0.029s, #calls:   1', 'time for                     EIGEN_LDLT: CPU,    0.060s; elapsed,    0.056s, #calls:   1', 'time for      STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST_RANK=0: CPU,    0.320s; elapsed,    0.329s, #calls:   1', 'TOTAL                                  : CPU,    0.800s; elapsed,    0.808s']
mpirun -n 16
['/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::KrylovSolver already registered; second conversion method ignored.', '  try: mod = __import__(name)', '/net/dials/raid1/mlxd/InDev/STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST/modules/cctbx_project/boost/python.py:25: RuntimeWarning: to-Python converter for strumpack::ReorderingStrategy already re